Chapter 35

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Lara walked into the lobby and immediately saw Rob waiting for her. She smiled and he walked towards her, bending to kiss her cheek. Harry was a few feet behind and came over saying, "Wow, you look wonderful Lara. Life in the sunshine state must suit you." Rob knew he was staring and in an effort to break the spell he said, "Harry's got a meeting with a potential new member, but how about you and I grab a coffee, and catch up?" Lara nodded, "I'd love that. It's so nice to see you both." They sat in a quiet corner of the lounge and ordered, making small talk about the journey from the UK until the coffee arrived. Rob sighed, "We've got forty minutes before we need to head in for registration, so tell me, how are you?" Lara smiled, "I'm good Rob. I'm happy here. How about you?" Rob shrugged, "Okay I suppose." He stared into her eyes, "Miss working with you though." Lara wasn't sure how to react so she said lightly, "Well, today you get to do just that, just like this time last year." Rob smiled sadly, "Yes, except now you don't get to come home with us."

Lara looked at him carefully, "What else Rob? What's going on?" Rob looked away then turned back, "Things aren't great at home Lara. I've been looking forward to this trip ever since we put it together, and it's made me realise how miserable I am." Lara's heart lurched and she moved to sit on the same couch as Rob and opened her arms to pull him into a hug." Rob held her close and felt like he never wanted to let go, but eventually he released her. "Thanks Lara. Sorry, I shouldn't be laying this on you. You don't need to hear my problems." Lara rubbed his arm comfortingly and said gently, "Rob, you were always been there for me to talk to, so I'm here now." Rob sighed, "My marriage is a mess. We barely talk let alone anything else, but the kids, you know, splitting up..." Lara continued with the soothing motion and Rob blurted out, "I'm not religious or anything, but I just never imagined getting divorced." Lara touched his hand, "I understand that. Divorce isn't a thing in my family either. I've never told you this, but I wasn't happily married when Paul died, and I know just how hard it is to live like that." Rob swivelled to face her and looked desperately into her eyes, "Lara, I came to your husband's funeral. I was hoping to see you, tell you how sorry I was, but with everything going on I didn't feel I could." Lara was astounded, "You were there? I had no idea!" Rob hung his head, "I didn't say anything, time went on until it felt too late to let you know. I'm sorry, I should have told you. Are you annoyed with me?" Lara sat back processing and said, "No, I'm not annoyed Rob, how could I be when you just told me you came all that way just to try and be there for me." She exhaled and said more gently, "But you know what? I wish I'd forced Paul to sit down and have a conversation when things got bad between us. Maybe that woman was the love of his life and it would have happened anyway, but I'm sad we didn't sit down and find a way to either really try and fix it, or find enough courage to separate amicably. Rob nodded sadly and looked at her, "Lara, I think about you all the time. I can tell you're happy here, but I wish things were different for you and me. I can't help it." Lara ran comforting circles on his back. "Rob, listen, even if I wasn't here with Joe, I would never want to start something built on another woman's pain and heartache. And deep down neither would you. When you go home, sit down, explain how you feel and find the right way forward." Rob nodded sadly and said, "Harry's said a couple of times he thinks it wouldn't have been a good idea for you and me to work together. I know he's probably right." Lara's heart hurt and she leaned against him, "Sometimes we just meet the right person at the wrong time." Rob's breath stuttered and he turned to kiss her on the forehead tenderly before whispering, "Thanks Lara."

Harry returned from his own meeting and looked at them carefully as they got up and made their way into the room where they were holding the conference. People were starting to register and there was no opportunity for him to ask either of them anything. Lara's slot was just after the introductions, and she delivered a compelling presentation about Callex and how she'd moved from operating in a highly regulated industry to an emerging company within an immature sector. Harry watched from the audience, looking around and seeing how every delegate was transfixed by her, ripples of laughter erupting around the room as she threw in humorous references to her own personal experiences. As they came off the stage for the break, Lara turned to Harry and Rob, "Well, I'd better head back and crack on with my day job." Harry glanced up at Rob and nodded, "Thanks for doing this for us Lara. You were great. Are you sure you can't stay for the exciting breakout sessions on changes in risk aggregation methodology?" Lara laughed, "Enticing as that offer is, I'll pass. I'll see you tonight for the fun bit." She hugged them both briefly and was gone. Despite knowing they should be mingling, Harry jerked his head to one of the empty breakout rooms.

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