chapter 6

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Hawk and y/n woke up to the uncomfortable feeling of the hard park bench they fell asleep on. His back was sore and obviously we all know about how sore his heads been lately because of the fight and sleeping on an uncomfortable bench definitely didn't help that.
" Morning" Eli said stroking y/n hair out of her face.
" Morning" she replied gloomily.
The pair had to try and get some food but of course they needed money for food which they do not have. So Eli had to think of something for y/n sake.
" Can we go to demetris for breakfast" she asked.
" No. He's done enough for us but we need to let him live his own life without us asking for help all the time" hawk said.
Y/n frowned. If she had a friend like demetri she would go to him especially in this situation where they don't have a roof over there head I mean they slept on a park bench.
" But he likes helping us and besides what are we going to eat dumpster food" y/n asked angrily.
" I used used to eat dumpster food when I was little when mum couldn't be bothered to feed Me or she left Me all alone at home while she was out on a bender or she was upstairs banging some guy because I didn't know how to cook but no of course not. We'll get some money for food don't worry" hawk assured her.
Y/n frowned again. Eli's life before she was born sounds so sad and y/n just knows eating dumpster food wasn't the worst of it. I mean his life is still sad and he still goes through so much but it's obvious something terrible happened to Eli other than the abuse and the abandonment.
The pair walked around while Eli tried to figure out a plan for money. They stunk too but that's at least of there problems.
Eli eventually just decided to try and beg on the streets. He sat near a supermarket with y/n shivering in his lap while he held her as tightly as he could but at least y/n was wearing an decently warm coat. Hawk was only wearing a leather jacket.
They sat there for hours and they only made 20 bucks but that will do for food and hawk decided to try and save some for the upcoming days so they bought a sandwich to share and a bottle of water.
After they finished that they sat back to where they've been begging until someone came up to them.
"I think I know how to help you" the lady said.
Eli looked up at her and she winked and Eli instantly knew how she was planning on helping. The first thought was no but the more he thought about it the more he realized he needed the money.
" I'll be back in a second y/n" he kissed her forehead softly and went with the girl.

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