chapter 15

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Sorry I haven't uploaded this story in a while. I've been very busy but I'm going to upload more frequently now

Eli made his way downstairs to talk to the lady( sorry I didn't give her a name but you can chose it) to break the news to her. She seems like an understanding person so this should go fine.
" Hey can I talk to you for a second" Eli asked timidly.
" Oh of course sweetie" she said.
The lady and Eli sat on her dining room table across from each other.
" So I've been thinking about you wanting to keep y/n. In fact it's been all I've thought about but I just don't want her to be away from me and besides she wants to stay with me too and i know you'll probably give her everything i can't but we need each other so I'm sorry but I have say no to you" he broke it to her gently.
A very sad look appeared on the women's face which made Eli feel terrible. He didn't want to upset her.
" Ok dear that's okay" she said sadly.
Eli went to her side of the table and hugged her.
" I'm sorry but thank you for everything you've done for y/n. I really appreciate you taking care of her" he said while she cried into his shoulder.
Eli pulled away from the hug and the lady cupped his cheeks with her hands.
" Your really a great brother. You really are a sweet kind selfless person which is surprising considering everything you've been through. Most people would turn into assholes but you really are so kind but I can tell your injured on the inside and you keep it all bottled up for your sisters sake but please know it's okay to let it out every now and again. It's not healthy bottling things up. So please let it out. You don't deserve to keep this trauma to yourself I mean you don't deserve this trauma period but please don't bottle it up. Please" the lady said as a tear rolled down hawks cheek.
She is right about how he hides his pain Infront of y/n and she is right about him being injured on the inside. His whole life it's been one thing after another and he just has to put up with it.
Eli started crying more hysterically. He's never really had someone tell him it's okay to let it out I mean he does when he's on his own but Infront of people he doesn't I mean yeah sometimes demetri I mean he did yesterday but that's because he was exhausted and couldn't take much more of the exhaustion and pain.
" That's it sweetie let it out" the lady pulled him into a hug and started stroking his red fluffy hair to calm him down.
Eli cried for a while until he finally calmed down.
" I just broke bad news to you and you still act nice. If you were my mum you would probably of beat the fucking shit out of me" Eli laughed but it was a really pained laugh.
" Yeah well I'm not your mum and I know your doing this because like you said you and y/n need each other and I don't want to separate you" the lady said.
" Thank you" Eli said happily.
The lady smiled and after there emotional conversation Eli made his way back to y/n to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story before he goes back to demetri.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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