chapter 7

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Hawk followed the girl into her house which wasn't far from the supermarket. He knew exactly what she wanted him to do for money. Something he seriously didn't want to do but he's hasn't got a choice.
The girl didn't even speak she just slammed him into the wall by kissing him and undressing him.
The pair laid on the floor. Hawk was on bottom. The girl was seriously in to it. Hawk on the other hand felt tears running down his cheek. He felt like a kid again. He felt frozen in fear.
When he was little his mum brought a boyfriend home and after she was passed out drunk he went into Eli's room and started touching Eli and then suddenly doing something worse. So much worse. Poor little Eli was only a kid and he was too scared to stop it so he closed his eyes and waited for it to end but it felt like it ended after a thousand years.
The girl was making really aggressive moaning sounds while Eli started not to be able to breath. He was having a panic attack.
"Stop" he mumbled quietly trying to catch his breath.
The girl didn't stop which made him start hyperventilating even more.
" Stop" he said louder but still not being able to catch his breath.
The girl slightly stopped and looked at him.
" STOP FUCKING STOP" he shouted pushing her off.
The minute the girl was off he ran to the corner of the room with his hand on his chest to try and catch his breath. He was crying hysterically. The painful memory was too much for him. He still had nightmares about it until this day and he still thought about how he told his mum and her telling him to get over it.
He started to calm down and he made sure he stopped crying before he went back to y/n. He's got to be strong for her.
He went back to y/n who looked at him with hope that he had money but he didn't.
" I thought that girl said she could help us" she sighed tiredly.
Eli just sat beside her.
" Well I tried to do the thing she wanted but it made me sad and scared so I couldn't do it. I'm sorry I keep letting you down" Eli cried.
Y/n hugged him.
" No you didn't. I don't want you to do anything that upsets you not even for me" she said sitting on his lap.
Eli hugged her tightly. He really needed it that. The pair just sat there holding each other while Eli cried when a car pulled up beside them which two important looking people were driving. Hawks heart began to race knowing who these people were.

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