chapter 11

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Hawk stayed with y/n during dinner and he wanted to tuck her in tonight before he left because he's really missed doing that and it's one of his favorite things to do. Giving her goodnight kisses.
" Please can you stay tonight? I don't want you to be scared and cold and lonely again tonight" a half asleep y/n asked.
Eli smiled and gave her a little kiss to the forehead.
" I really wish I could but I can't but don't worry I'll be at demetris and I'll be back tomorrow" he said Stroking her hair to make her even more sleepy.
" Okay but can you read me a bedtime story" she asked.
Hawk obviously wasn't going to say no to that so he found a book to read her and halfway through she dozed off and hawk gave her another soft kiss to the forehead.
" Goodnight y/n I love you" he whispered before he left.
On his way out of the house the lady stopped him.
" Eli can I ask you a question" she said nervously.
Eli saw the nervousness on her face and began to worry.
" Yes of course" Eli said politely.
" Well it's just y/n is such a sweet girl and I've really grown quite fond of her and I really wanted to adopt her but I heard you say to her you wanted her back and I can tell how much you love her and how happy she makes you and it's clear your miserable without her so I was just wondering what your opinion is on that idea" she asked.
Eli's face dropped into a sad look. Obviously he knows it's a wonderful idea and a nice place for y/n to live and this woman can give her everything he can't and give her the childhood she deserves but Eli would be so lost without her and it's his life taking care of y/n. It would suck if he didn't.
" Oh you do?" He asked in a scared timid voice.
" Yes more than anything" she said.
Eli nodded understandably.
" Well can I think about it? You know I really want her too but I also want what's best for her which probably isn't me" he said sadly.
" Oh that's nonsense she loves you. Your like her favorite person in the world and she's told me what a brilliant job you've done at raising her" she said putting her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
" Really?" Eli asked happily.
" Yes really so you think about it and please don't feel pressured to say yes. I would never want to take her away from you" she said.
"Thank you" Eli smiled at the lady for actually considering his feelings because not many people do.
After there conversation Eli smiled and wished the lady a goodnight and left not stopping thinking about the ladies request. He wanted y/n to be happy and safe but he'll be miserable without her. What is he supposed to do?

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