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So, this is my new school. Tae Yang High. I walked into my classroom. I could feel everyone staring at me.

"Class, we have a new student from the fencing team. Y/N, Welcome." The teacher announced. "You may be seated in the empty seat beside Ko Yurim." The girl welcomed you with a nod and a smile. You headed straight for the seat and sat down. 

"So you're new to the fencing team?" Ko Yurim asked. I nodded, afraid to speak. "I am also in the fencing team, I hope we become friends." 

"Thank you, I hope we do," I replied, not knowing what to say or do.

After the first few morning classes, Yurim took me to the fencing gym where I met the coach and other fencers. 

"Y/N, let's speak, shall we?" The coach invited me to her office to speak privately.

"You sure seem to be the one with the best grades in the team." The coach said to me. "Another fencer is coming in tomorrow. Na Hee Do. I want to see you two fence. So, practice well today, okay?" 

"And... your dad told me about your heart disease. Make sure you take care of your health, okay?" My coach asked.

"I will," I replied before leaving to practice.

"Y/N!" I heard Yurim invite me over. I joined her to practice. "Later, I could introduce you to my friends, they are nice."

"Thank you.." I said in a small voice.

I could see Yurim smile, she didn't say anything, she just got back to her training. I've never met someone like her before, she's.. perfect.

"Good work everyone, you can head back home now," Coach announced. "Practice hard, Y/N."

"Y/N, come." Yurim waited by my locker. I quickly put back all of my things before following Yurim upstairs. There was a room, a storage room. But inside, it was magnificent, decorated with colour, it was amazing.

"Yurim, what are you doing here? Don't you have fencing?" The girl in the room said. I recognized her, she was the class president, Ji Seung Wan.

"Oh.. Coach let us go early. Anyways, here is Y/N, she's new to the school, she's also in the fencing team." Yurim said.

"Yurim-ah!" Another boy walked over. "Ah, you must be Y/N. I am Ji ung, Moon Ji ung. Nice to meet you." 

"So, what is this place?" I managed to sputter out.

"It's our secret hideout. And I also heard that you're the one with the highest marks in the fencing team..." Ji Seung Wan took me to her couch, talking.


"Tsk.. Seung Wan sure knows how to socialize." I said.

"Heh.. There's something I have to ask you about later." Ji ung said to me.

"What is it? You can ask me now." I replied, curious.

"If you insist then. Ko Yu Rim. You're the prettiest girl in the world. To match with me, the pretty boy from class 7, will you go out with me?" 

"Well.. I.."

"Honestly, Yu rim, it's fine if you say no, don't be pressured to do so.. because we are friends."

"I just- I have someone in mind right now.. someone other than you." I looked at Y/N, then looked back. "Sorry.."

"It's fine, can't say I didn't see this coming, but hey, we're still friends, right?" Ji ung's smile disappeared instantly.

"Of course.. I have to go now.." I didn't know what to do. I walked to Seung Wan and Y/N to say goodbye.

Walking through the streets to get home, I have a certain someone on my mind, actually.. 2 certain somebodies. I go home and lay on my bed. Gosh, I hope I didn't break Ji ung's feelings. I don't want to see him tomorrow.. I'm so embarassed.

Similarities [Ko Yu Rim x Female Reader] Twenty One Twenty Five FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now