Chapter 3

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Waking up, I felt a pound on my chest, it was just a little chest pain, I used to get it all the time when I was little. I was the first one to wake up. I took a fresh morning shower before cleaning myself up for breakfast. I changed, then headed to the canteen where I picked up an apple, 2 sandwiches and an orange juice. I was starving.

After finishing my breakfast in the canteen, I head to the gym to exercise. Half an hour later, I saw Yu-rim, she joined me in the gym.

"You're up early," Yu-rim said.

"I'm used to it," I replied.

"We have practice in an hour. I have to go have breakfast, I'll see you later." Yu-rim told me before walking to the canteen.

I also returned to my dorm to finish unpacking, Hee do was there. There was an awkward silence among us. She was also unpacking her things from yesterday.

Before long, I finished. Then, I took my medicine as always and then headed to the gym for training, I was the second one there, and there were 15 minutes until practice starts. The girl who was there didn't say a word, she was just practising her fencing in front of a dummy. 

I put my stuff down before stretching on the ground. Moments later, I saw Yu-rim with a couple of other people also in the team walk in, then Hee-do. And lastly, the coach walked in.

"Hello, everyone. Today, instead of practising our fencing, we will be doing some tests on your cardio, endurance, flexibility and so on. To begin, we are heading to the tracks outside, once we get outside I will explain your first test." The coach explained before taking everybody outside to the tracks.

This was probably the worst day to be outside exercising, the sun was blinding our eyes and making us drenched in sweat.

"To begin, I want you guys to run laps, as many as you can non-stop. Instead of timing you, I will be counting your laps. So, everybody, line up on the tracks on the count of three you will begin." The coach waited for everybody to be on the tracks. "1, 2... 3." Everybody sprinted off except for me, and I tried to pace myself. 

Hyeon Eun-Kyung was the first one to drop out, she was the quickest one, she dropped out with 6 laps. That is still pretty damn impressive. I'm on my 5th lap. After finishing my fifth lap, a lot of people started to drop out including Yu-rim. 

When I was on my 12th lap, it was only me and Hee-do left. I was still doing pretty well even though I was sweating bullets.

"While those guys are running, I want you guys to stretch." The coach ordered the rest of the people watching us. "No slacking."

Lap after lap, it was the 15th lap already. The scorching sun made Hee do drop out. I was sweating bullets out there. But I had to keep going. On my 19th lap, I dropped out.

"Well done. Chug some water. Before we continue, you should change your clothes, it's all wet." My coach told me. After I drank some water, I went into the changing rooms to change. My abdomen was really swollen. But, I ignored it. It's probably nothing.

I then returned to join my Yu-rim.

"How did you run that many laps? I'm starting to think that you're a robot." She joked.

"I used to be on track and field in my old school. I'm pretty used to it." I replied before getting interrupted by the coach.

"Alright, everyone. Settle down. For our next exercise, we are doing plank. Everybody's favourite exercise." The coach said sarcastically. "I will be setting a timer, when I say begin, you start." 

"3... 2... 1... Begin." I heard the beep of the stopwatch. "When you have dropped out, raise your hand so I can record down your time."

I hated plank so much, it was definitely not my strong suit. I just didn't want to be the first one to drop out.

2 minutes in, I was already dying. Suddenly out of nowhere, someone barges into the gym. It was the secretary down in the office. She was talking with the coach. The conversation seemed really serious even if nobody heard what was said. 

"Alright guys, you can go. There is something I have to deal with right now." The coach said hurriedly before walking away with the secretary.

I was panting, I was really dizzy. I went to the changing rooms to take a shower to clear up my mind. When I got out, I was still dizzy. I took my medicine before walking out and returning to my dorm room. 

When I returned to the dorm, I passed out whilst dropping everything in my hands. 

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