Chapter 1

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"Good luck. On your first fencing match." Yu rim told me. "I know you'll do great." She smiled.

I smiled back at her. "Thanks."

"Salut." The coach looked serious. "En-garde? Pretes? Allez." 

Na Hee Do's defence is lacking, but her attacks...

"Attaque. Touche. Point."

The starting point, she's reading my movements... I'm one point in the lead, all I have to do is attack.

"Attaque. Touche. Point."

This is going to be fun.


"Salut." I held my hand out, she touched my hand barely before walking away. I see Yurim in the crowd. I was sweating bullets. Before walking to Yurim, I took off the ropes and wires attaching me to the machinery. 

"You're good." Yurim complimented. "15 to 2 is unbelievable."

"Thanks, come to think of it... I haven't seen your fencing before.

"You will soon," Yurim said before taking us to class. We were done with our morning practice. After class, I was walking through the hallways alone. Until a teacher holding a long ruler came to me.

"So you're Y/N. Your dad had the guts to send his kid here?" He shouted. "Your dad still owes me money and now my family just finished paying the debt you know that?"

"I had no idea, sir. Please forgive me and my father." I bowed.

"Heh... forgiveness?" The teacher yelled, causing everybody to look at the two of us. "Who are you to have a right to ask for forgiveness?" The teacher slammed the ruler on the floor.

The teacher hit me with the ruler several times until I bled. I was on my two knees. 

"Sir. Please stop." I said weakly with tears rolling off of my cheeks, onto my uniform.

"Y/N..." Yurim ran over and picked me up.

"Hey, where do you think both of you are going?" The teacher screamed. "We're not done here, miss Yu Rim." Yurim simply walked away, holding my hand, and taking me to the nurse's office.  

The nurse tended to my wounds. 

"Thanks." I managed to sputter out.

"Do you want to tell me what that was all about?" Yurim asked softly.

"My dad just has bad blood with that teacher, it's nothing..." I replied gently. Before long, I was met with a hug, making me sob even more. 

"Just know that, I'll be there for you... no matter what." Yurim stroked my hair.

"Yu Rim-ah... we should get to class..." I replied. 

Ko Yu-Rim

After school, I went to the secret hideout to talk to Seung Wan. Ji-ung wasn't there that day. 

"Ji-ung told me what happened yesterday." Seung Wan was always very straightforward.

"Is he mad at me? It was so awkward..." 

"You did the right thing... telling the truth I meant. Here, it's banana milk, you had fencing today." Seung Wan handed me a small cup of banana milk.


"I heard what happened to Y/N, is she okay?"

"I don't know either. She didn't seem so well when she was leaving."

"This school is unbelievable, corporal punishment is already banned, they have some nerve."

"I know right." I sighed.

There was a brief moment of silence. 

"Did Y/N tell you? About her heart valve disease?" Seung Wan asked.

"No... she told you?" 

"Well no, but... I might or might not have looked into the student files."

"Seriously, Seung Wan, you have to stop doing that. You're going to get caught one way or another." 

"That's beside the point. I've researched about HVD, it's deadly and there is no cure for it." 

"How do you know all of this?" I exclaimed.

"I want to be a doctor when I grow up." Seung Wan smiled. 

"Wow... To be honest, I don't know if I want to be a fencer when I grow up. Fencing is such an expensive sport, I don't know if I could keep up with it..." I don't know how long we talked for but it was a comforting time, especially when it was Seung Wan by my side.

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