Pink Panther (Scene Queen)

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Band: Scene Queen

Description: You got a call from your agent stating that a female musician was looking for some extras for a music video.

Type: Flirtatious

To say you were excited was an understatement. Not many female musicians want all females as extras in their music videos. Your agent had instructed that you wear either shorts or a short skirt. Apparently, the musician was asking for the extras to dress that way since the video was a bit sexy. You didn't mind just as long as you had fun and got paid.

You decide to go with a short black skirt and a low cut red shirt. You finish the look with light makeup and dark red stilhettos. Satisfied, you grab your purse and head to the studio.

Once you arrive, a gorgeous hyper blonde catches your attention. She waves and runs over to you.

"Hi," she states, "I'm Hannah."

"Nice to meet you," you reply, "I'm Y/N. Are you one of the extras?"

"No. I'm Scene Queen!" Hannah grabs your hand and leads you to the set.

"Y/N," your agent begins, "glad to see you. I hope the drive was easy."

"Just a little bit of traffic," you reply.

"I see you've met Scene Queen. She's quirky but she's become quite popular."

You nod and take in your surroundings. One area of the set has a decent sized bathroom with pink lighting and small pink decorations. The other area of the set is a small living room that has pink curtains, a pink rug, a small tv, and white and pink blankets and pillows on the sofa.

"That's alot of pink," you state to no one in particular.

"I love the color pink," Hannah jumps from behind you. "Sorry if I scared you. I'm just really excited for this music video."

"What's the song about?"

"Sex with women."

A clap catches Hannah's attention as well as everyone else's.

"Where do you wanna start," the director asks Hannah.

Hannah eyes you up and down before her eyes skim over the small shower. The other extras are chatting amongst themselves as Hannah struggles to make a decision.

Before you can think, Hannah is pushing you towards the bathroom set. You quickly toss your purse and heels to your agent. She catches them and places them in a safe place. The other extras follow your lead as the director starts talking to Hannah.

"Okay ladies," the director begins," I want all 3 of you in that shower. Yes, it will be a tight fit, but you're gonna either be making out with each other or playing with your boobs against the door. Any questions?"

You let the other extras in first and wait for the director to begin. Once action is called, the other extras start making out while you push your large breasts against the cold door to the shower and rub them up and down. After a minute or so, Hannah opens the door and jumps in. The other extras start playing with her boobs while you kiss her. Hannah's hands start caressing your chest until the director yells cut.

All four of you stumble out of the small shower giggling.

"You know," Hannah begins as your readjust your boobs in your bra, "I could watch you caress your boobs on a shower door all day." Hannah winks as your cheeks turn a bright pink. You smile slightly and prepare for the next scene.

"I hope she invites me for the next music video," you think to yourself.

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