Johnny Ringo (David Escamilla)

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Band: Crown The Empire

Description: Sometimes it's better to die instead of being tricked by the Devil. David is learning that lesson the hard way.

Type: Supernatural

Sirens drown out all the other sounds around me. A bright light shines in both of my eyes. My airway is tight and I feel like I'm being suffocated. A warm liquid drips from my head, slowly seeping into my right eye.

My body begins to move on its own. I know I'm lying down but it feels as if I'm flying. A bump jolts the pain back into my body. A groan escapes my throat as I feel hands on my body.


"Don't talk," a sensual voice states. "You're badly injured. We're gonna take you to the hospital."

"Where's Lillian," I croak.

"Sir," the unknown man speaks again, "do you know your name?"


"David, my name is Michael. Right now I need you to relax. I'm gonna put an IV in your arm. You're gonna be okay."

I close my eyes as the back of the ambulance begins to spin. I can hear Michael yelling at me as sleep calls to me.

"I can help you live again," a crackly voice states. I attempt to open my eyes but all I see is blackness.

"Make a choice, David. We don't have long."

"Who are you," I timidly ask.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now, do you wanna die or do you want to live with Lillian?"

The voice echos around me. I turn around but am met with nothing but darkness.

"I want to live," I state.

"Good answer. Now, open your eyes."

I close and slowly open my eyes. Michael appears in my line of sight. A rhytmic sound can be heard next to me. I look around, ignoring the pain shooting through my neck.

"You're okay," Michael calmly states. "We're nearly there."

"D-Did you hear that crackly voice," I ask.

"David," Michael whispers, "our brains play tricks on us when death is near. What you heard may have been your own mind."

"But he asked if I wanted to live again."

"Sometimes it's best not to trust the Devil. Now relax and let me finish closing this small wound before we get to the hospital."

I listen to the rhythmic beeping and try to recollect the memories from earlier this evening. The only thing that comes to mind is the honking of a car horn. The rhythmic beeping increases slightly, causing my anxiety to increase.

Darkness begins to increase around me. The rhythmic beeping becomes distant and the voice from earlier invades my ears. My eyes feel heavy and within seconds all I can see is darkness.

3rd POV

Michael struggles to keep David awake. His heartbeat increases but he does not flatline. As the ambulance pulls into the ER, Michael rushes to the nearest nurse to explain the situation.

Michael rushes the gurney to the nearest elevator as the nurse calls the ICU. David's heartbeat has slowed down slightly, but his eyes refuse to open.

Michael does his best to remain patient as the elevator takes its time going from the first floor up to the fourth floor. His senses sharpen as he hears a familiar voice behind him.

"Hello brother," Michael states.

"It's nice to see you too," Lucifer states. "Now if you don't mind, David is mine."

"I should've known it was you he was talking about earlier. What deal did you make with him?"

"Nothing that concerns you. Just get him to the ICU before he flatlines."

Michael turns around only for his brother to dissappear. He shakes his head and quickly helps get David off the gurney and onto an ICU bed. A few ICU nurses help secure David's heart monitor and IV before rushing Michael out of the room. Knowing his work is done, Michael takes the empty gurney back to the first floor.

David's POV

I wake up slowly. My eyes open to a dimly lit room. Pain shoots through my head. More pain errupts from my ribs as I try to sit up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a familiar voice states.

"Michael," I squint in the dark corner.

"Not quite," the voice replies. A man walks out of the shadows and sit beside me. His angular jaw and grey eyes fill me with a sense of uneasiness.

"Call me Luci," he smiles. "You're lucky to be alive."

"What happened," I lean back into the hospital bed.

"You and your fiance were hit by a drunk driver. Sadly, she didn't make it. You would've joined her if it wasn't for me."

"What do you mean?" I hear my heart rate elevate slightly on the heart monitor.

"You made a deal with me. For now, you get to live."

"For now?"

"Don't worry, David. Just relax and heal up. I'll come by and let you know when it's time to pay up. Just remember, don't ever trust the Devil."

Before I can respond, Luci disappears and my world goes black.

*2 Years Later*

Life has been rough ever since the accident. I lost my job, my fiance, my house, and some of my sanity. My good friend, Andy, has been letting me sleep on his couch. I now work two part time jobs. Some days I wish I had died in that accident.

"Time to wake up," a sinister familiar voice wakes me from a deep sleep.

"Luci," I ask groggily.

"It's nice to see you again, David."

"What do you want?" I sit up and let my eyes adjust to the dimly lit living room.

"It's time for your payment."

"What's my payment?"

"Your soul." Luci grins as I feel my face going pale. "Don't worry. You're about to have the best sleep of your life."

Luci places his hands around my neck and slowly begins to squeeze. I feel the life draining out of me. Before my brain registers what is happening, my vision goes black and manical laughter fills my ears. Life in Hell better be worth my soul.

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