Recording (Vinny Mauro)

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Band: Motionless In White

Description: There are perks to being Spencer Charnas's twin sister. Today is one of those days, but Spence decides to be over protective.

Type: Cute/Funny

"Will you shut up," I yell at my brother.

"Nope," he grins.

I roll my eyes and attempt to listen to my podcast again. Spencer's voice is drowned out as I turn up the volume on my phone.

As much as it's nice being Spencer Charnas's twin, it also sucks. He is also bad at sharing information and drags me everywhere when Nadia is busy.

"We're almost there," Spencer pulls one of my earbuds out.

"Where are we going anyways," I ask while pausing my podcast.

"To record music."

"No shit Sherlock! You're a musician for crying out loud."

"Yes, but this isn't John Feldman's studio."

My ears perk up at the sound of John's name. I've been a Goldfinger fan for years and have yet to have the opportunity to see them live. Plus, Spencer hangs it over my head every time he goes to record without me.


"Nope," Spencer cuts me off. "You don't get to find out."

"If Nadia was here," I begin, "you'd be telling me everything."

"That's because she loves you like a sister."

"Propose already so I can BE her sister."

"Sometimes I wish I was the older twin."

"In your dreams," I chuckle. Another come back wants to leave my lips, but the building before us leaves me speechless. I follow Spencer and get out of the car.

Before us stands a small white two story house with a large porch that has a swing and large bench. I shake my head at my brother.

"Y/N," JD yells from the porch.

"Hey JD," I smile, "it's been awhile."

"No Nadia," he asks.

"Sadly no," Spencer replies, "she has a modeling gig today."

"Too bad," JD frowns, "the guys from Motionless are coming by soon to record. I told Chris I could help them produce this new album."

I sit down next to JD and try to hide my excitement. I've been a huge Motionless In White fan since their music video for Abigail. Spencer knows I'm a fan and has yet to tour with the band. I look at my brother's raised eyebrow as my left knee begins to bounce. Normally I can stay still, but that changes when I'm excited.

"Here they come," JD announces.

I turn my head towards the edge of the street. I try not to laugh as Chris loudly complains about being shoved behind Ricky in the van. Vinny ignores his band mates and begins to unload his drums. Justin and Ryan are attempting to help but can't stop laughing at Chris and Ricky's bickering.

"Are they always like this," Spencer asks.

"This is them being calm," JD smiles.

"Calm?!" Spencer and I state in unison.

"Stop doing that," JD's eyes widen. "It always creeps me out. Fucking twin telepathy."

"It's not telepathy," I begin.

"Great minds just think alike," Spencer finishes my sentence.

"Fucking twins," JD shakes his head in defeat.

"Sorry we're late," Justin states as he approaches us.

"It's okay," JD replies. "Let me show you where you guys can set up." JD gets up and guides Justin and Ryan inside.

"Are you guys twins," Ricky asks.

"Maybe," I reply.

"But which one of us is the evil twin," Spencer asks. I do my best to keep a straight face as my brother starts to act crazy.

"And this is why we haven't toured together yet," Chris stares at Spencer.

"Don't worry," I beam, "he's harmless. Just make sure not to feed him after midnight."

"I'm not a gremlin," Spencer pouts.

"Whatever you say baby bro." I rustle Spencer's hair before running inside.

"Do me a favor," JD whispers to me, "help me make sure your brother doesn't creep them out."

"Too late," I reply. "Chris and Ricky think he's crazy."

"God damit. Cover your ears."

I quickly cover my ears as JD yells for my brother. A series of curse words and laughter follow the yelling. I raise an eyebrow as Spencer looks like he just fell over his own two feet.

"Gotta learn to walk faster," Chris laughs.

"You have to stop growing," Spencer replies.

"Being tall is fun."

Ricky and JD roll their eyes as the two begin to playfully bicker. I look around and notice that Vinny is nowhere in sight. I head back to the front door and notice he's struggling. Without thinking, I help him with his equipment.

"Thanks," he smiles.

"Do they always leave you to do this alone," I ask.

"Not usually. Only when they've had too much caffine."

"Why didn't you cut them off?"

"Trust me," Vinny chuckles, "Chris on too much caffine is a good thing. Ricky....not so much."

"Vinny," Justin yells, "hurry up!"

"You heard the man," I chuckle. I follow Vinny into JD's home studio. As I place Vinny's stuff down I get pulled into the recording booth.

"Where were you," Spencer hisses.

"I was helping Vinny," I reply.

"We have a problem."

"Just because I helped him doesn't mean I like. Stop jumping to conclusions."

"I'm sorry," Spencer apologizes, "but our problem is with Chris. He's too hyper."

"That's because he's had too much caffine," I reply. "And thank you for apologizing. Now watch the master work."

I walk back into the studio and grab Chris by the wrist. I grip him hard and drag him into the kitchen.

"You have a death grip," he yelps.

"And you are too hyper," I cross my arms over my chest. "You asked my brother for help, but he won't help a hyper child."


"No buts. Chris, Spencer went out of his way. He could be spending some much needed time with his girlfriend right now. Now calm down and show him what you need help with."

"Now I understand why you're the older twin," JD replies after Chris heads back into the studio. "Not even Spencer can do that."

"What can I say," I smile, "I've got a gift."

A/N: Part II coming soon!

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