Chapter 27: Serenity

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Xavier's POV...

God unfolds my eyes, I awaken to the morning sky. The cresent moon shifts with the royal blue atmosphere, while the sun submits lavender pink in it's rise. I climb out of bed as if I slept peacefully for the first time in a long one, reaching for my phone that charged on the dresser.

5:31 a.m.... woke up earlier than usual...

I don't usually wake up around this time in the morning, especially when it's summer break. We stayed up all night after the meeting yesterday, taking everything in and reflecting on the fun we had. I got up out of bed, stretching like a morning lion, looking at the double doors of my balcony. Taking a walk up those steps I open them both, the morning wind holds me with serenity. I intake the the gust, standing on the wooden grain with no shoes.

The air is good... the environment is good...

Almost feels like you can connect with the breeze, as connecting your soul to God himself. The rails of my balcony was covered in dew, and I could still hear the sound of the night crawlers chitter. Wiping off my chair, I sit down in it and exhale. Somedays, I come out here to do a lot of thinking—more thinking than people can realize. Nothing bad, just everything that sits in the ocean of my mental. Keeping myself focused on how beautiful life is, and not allowing anything negative to blackened the sea.

I think about everything. God, his Angels, my deceased ancestors waiting to rise, and everyone that's alive and present—my family.

Markus's POV...

To think that I came from a place of gunshots and flags, to now staying in a serene neighborhood, makes me wonder what storm is next.

Yet, I never want things to go back to how they once were...

When there's light, there will always be darkness but I put a lot of effort into obliterating my anxiety. This morning, out of all mornings this summer has been the first to ease my worry. I take a sip from my gallon of water, looking out my window adoring the relaxation. Cherishing, how calm its going to stay, Lord's will.

My father did a damn good job on getting us out of dodge, but I know those recollections will stay with me forever—with a purpose. I've done many things to get out of my comfort zone, to soothe those around me and at times I should've stayed in that bubble. Like that time I went to the gas station when dusk enclosed the city, I knew better than to leave our neighborhood. Thankfully, by the grace of God it became a warning and not the cause of our death, cause my brother's blood would've been on my hands. It then became a message to take smarter steps when regulating my apprehension.

Thankfully, I'm getting better. Especially on a day like this, placing myself in the present. Focusing on what's now, looking at the pretty sky spotting a flock of birds travel off the powerline in a bunch.

Jordan's POV...

Damn it's pretty... I think to myself, watching the sun increase in the sky by the minute. While gazing out the window, I catch my reflection—shirtless, hair shaggier than Scooby Doo. Focusing in on my overall appearance, I see my old self—staring right through me. I came a long way from being that scrawny kid that sat in the back of class, to insure nobody stared.

I used to be afraid to raise my hand in class, knowing the answer to every science question there was but I wanted no spotlight. Braces laced my teeth, acne evaded my face, and my skinny body drove me to being victim to many bullies. I'm still insecure at times... I say to myself, opening my window to grab my Aloe Vera plant, sitting in my mothers homemade flower pot. That's why I was afraid to make the first move with Claudia, knowing I was in love with her but my confidence always faded.

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