the vault

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Raf pov

We traced the signal to a old ruin castle we were hiding in the ruin as decepticons were about 'this was stupid but there no going back' we both crept through to the throne room to find it old and barren vines wrapping every inch bee looked at me and beeped "I know and I should have told optimas but if it a fluk then it will just put the team in danger in and out" bee nodded and we both looked around seeing nothing till eventually going towards the gold throne the only thing untouched by nature.

I go over to it "bee can you move this" bee nodded and lift it up and underneth was a hatch I open it and all I see is darkness with a ladder going down.
I look at bee "the hole only big enough for me stay gaurd" bee nods and I go down the ladder.

I kept going and going to the point I couldn't even see the ladder but I knew where it was after a while I eventually my feet finally touch ground I walked around aimlessly till I bumped into something and the object light up it was a crystal. The light from the crystal connected to other one then another till all the crystals were lite and I could see.

I went forwards down the tunnels the crystals lighting my way I kept going till I got to a small hallway with bricks forming it the same ones from the castle with symbols lining them I hear bee from the ear piece "I'm okay bee I found a hallway of brick with symbols it look like there telling a story" bee beep in approval "as far as I'm getting the story starts with a king from a land years back he sent out his knights to kill dragons" bee beeped "a dragon it like a predicon pretty much the same design it a mythical creature but from the looks of these symbols they might have not been" bee beeped "when the dragons where killed the king basked in his glory when a creature of the night came for revenge it burned villages to the ground crumbling army's the king as a last resort got a relic and sealed the creature in a vault" I stopped the symbols stopped there at the end of the hallway where there was a door I opened the door and inside there was a chamber with what looked like a large door with symbols going In circles till centring on a square slot.

I looked at the symbols around the door and for some reason I could read them "creature of the night with your glory and kind how cruel of human kind to seal you away with a key you will be released a key that comes from the stars" I look at my laptop at the signal and the receiver is still blocked.

Suddenly I heard clapping I turn around to see starscream there with a wicked smile "well well well isn't it the autobot pet human" I gulp and slowly move back "what have you done with bumblebee" starscream laughed "the scout is in disposal at the moment" his laugh echo through the chamber.

Soundwave pov

I was working on the location of the final relics when I heard starscream voice through the com link "soundwave I'm in need of a ground bridge" I sigh internally and create one starscream walked through with a human from the autobot with him. Megaton turned to him with a intrested look "starscream beside the human pet you brought on board did you find anything" I watched as starscream bowed "yes lord megaton a large door with wierd symbols on it with a square slot in the centre" "can these symbols be translated" starscreams smiles "not by us but I belive this human may know" the human gulped "i won't tell you anything" megaton smiles "we will see take him to the good doctor and see what he can get out of him" megaton looks at me "soundwave go see if you can decipher these symbols as a plan b if the human does not tell" I nod and leave to go see this large door.

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