
637 12 3

Requested by @Xcharafan

Soft, safe and unwilling vore

You were currently running from the king of darkness, otherwise know as nightmare. Tired from running you fall to your knees, as each fast breath you take burns your lungs. But you had to be quiet If you wanted to escape this Nightmare, but little did you know there was no escaping this.

  Few minutes before...

Nightmare was surprised to find a human out at this time of night, he would have wanted a bigger prey. but he wasn't picky about how his meals were going to be. So he figured before he eats his prey he would give chase. he loved when his meals would run from him, it always worked up his appetite and that would make the catch more satisfying.


So here you were running from the tar covered skeleton, scared to death and out of breath. You could hear his dark chuckling behind you as you ran.

You had to find a way out of this, you look back and don't see him anymore. You are both relieved and terrified, you were relieved that he was gone but terrified as to were he went. So while he was gone you spotted a nice looking tree to hide behind, taking this time to catch your breath and listen out for footsteps.

   "Oh human.. come out come out where ever you are~"

He was back, and sounded like he was.... Teasing you? Why on earth would he do that. You shook your head as you heard his footsteps get closer and louder.

   " I know your here, just come out and I'll make it quick"

You didn't move from your spot, instead you stay quiet and wait. It was all you could do, if you shouted he would definitely find you. And you were in the woods who would hear you.

   "Heh.. heh.."

You don't hear anything? You quietly peek your head around the tree, he was gone. But you didn't hear him move, where could he have gon-  "found you" hearing his voice from behind you made you have a fight or flight instinct. So trying to get up and dash the fuck outta there he stopped your plans when a tentacle wrapped  around your arms and torso.

    "You really thought I wouldn't find you? I knew where you were this entire time. I just love to chase down my prey"

The word prey rung a bell, he wasn't going to eat you was he? It couldn't be possible... Could it. "But now that your here, it's time to get started" you paled hearing those worlds leave his mouth, but in a panic you bit his tentacle. This had to hurt right? .... Wrong. All he does is chuckle and lift you upside down.

Being upside down wasn't fun to say the least "I'm going to enjoy this" he says as two dark cyan tongues lick his non-existent lips,  he lowes you down over his open maw. N-no wait mpphh! Your protest is muffled as his tongues licks over you face, he groans in delight. Your taste is wonderful! He tilts his head back and give the first swallow, your head makes his neck bulge out.

He continues licking you, he keeps making groans here and there taking his sweet sweet time. Swallowing again your shoulders and torso go down as well, yelping in surprise at how strong his gulps are. He chuckles and you can feel it.. gross

Taking two smaller swallows he gets your hips and butt  swallowed and contracted into his tight gullet. He watches as your hands and shoulders make his gut bulge out slightly, he can't wait to have you fully inside of him.

While he waits for that he enjoys you trying to squirm In his throat, he lets one hand go from your calf to press up against the bulge in his neck. He uses his occupied hand to push in the rest of your calf into his mouth, once your feet are fully in he takes his hands and presses them against his throat. Swallowing.

He traces your bulge go down his throat and into his belly "Ahhh~ that was delicious" his voice is muffled but you can still hear him. He holds his slowly growing gut as you fully enter, you feel him walk a short distance before he stops.

He probably made his way home teleporting, you've read about monsters and their special abilities. But I didn't think they were actually true, he wasn't one of the monsters described in the book. But he was similar to the other skeleton you saw.

  "You sure filled me up, I enjoyed this."

You whine and beg to be let out, all he does is chuckle and say "I'm not letting you out anytime soon, but if you continue squirming I'll think about it" that was better than being digested. So You keep up the weak squirms having tired yourself earlier

"there we go, keep that up and I'll let you out in the morning" he lays down on whatever he was on, and gently rubs circles on his belly.

Soon enough you heard his light breathing, meaning he was asleep. That was your sign for a break, well now I don't have anything to do but sleep. Let's hope he keeps his word.

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