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Warning: this will contain digestion

Requested by:  GloriaCHSH

A cruel world you live in.. you are either a pred.. or a prey.. but sometimes preds can take it to far..

Just like the one you faced..

He went by the name ... Ink


You were a different breed of a person to say the least, you were a hybrid! Hybrids weren't common. But you had more important matters to attend to than telling people your a bird hybrid.

want an example? Take you running from a psychotic skeleton who wanted so badly to eat his prey.. you would have flown away, had your wings not of been tired from flying around all day. After all you didn't expect to get hunted down by a pred.

"Come on little birdy, I'm just hungry"

He sounds like he isn't just hungry, but wants to toy with you. He knows you can't escape, but wants to make it last before he catches you.

You had an Idea that might just work, taking all your courage you finally put your plan into action. Your tail feathers were swaying in anticipation, you just wanted to get away from here. So you take a nearby rock you found and throw it in the opposite direction, he takes the bait as he walks into the patch of trees and bushes you threw the rock towards.

It was working... Now time to leave, taking a big risk you step out into the open and spread your wings. Even though they were sore, you had to take the chance of escaping. You were happy and about to escape.

but just as you were about to take off. And I mean you took off, but didn't get far as a heavy weight forced you into the dirt. As you look at what has forced you down your face paled. It was him pinning you down.

"Heh heh... Really thought you could escape birdy? I will say luring me out with a rock was a neat trick. But... I can't let you escape now can I"

You were scared and shaking, he caught you. You tried squirming beneath him but his grip was strong and it stopped you from doing so, it hurt a little causing you to flinch as his phalanges dig into your skin.

He chuckled as he picked you up and smelt you "mmmm you smell good birdy" he was taunting you because he knew you couldn't escape. But you were snapped out of your thoughts when he stuck your arms in his mouth, he chuckled seeing your scared face as he swallowed them down.

Your face was now shoved into his mouth as his tongue tasted you, he enjoyed your flavor. But he was a little impatient and swallowed your head down. He grabbed your hips and continued to take in your sweet flavor. Your wings were tucked tight at your side, he had already pinned them to you when he first started swallowing.

You squirmed slightly as he swallowed your torso, he eventually grabbed your kicking legs and pushed you in further. He didn't want to waste more time so he swallowed, he was a little harsh swallowing your tail feathers. But in the end he didn't care.

He grabbed your legs and swallowed them down quickly, he took a moment looking down at his bulging gut. Smirking he swallowed the last of you, holding his gut as you fully enter.

"Thanks for the meal birdy"

Digestion starts here: read at your own risk

You could barely hear him over the groaning from the stomach walls, but you knew he didn't mean good. And as you said that green acid was slowly rising to consume you.

Let me out please! Your frantic squirming only made the acid rise further, it started burning and melting your skin and breaking your bones. But he only laughed and leaned back, to enjoy his meal digesting.

"Heh heh heh, enjoy it in there while it lasts. I know I'm going to"

You could barely hear him as the green acid had finally consumed your entire body, you were dying and running out of oxygen. Your fate had been sealed, you had finally run out as your vision went black.

The last thing you heard before you died was the dark chuckle that came from your captor


I hope you enjoyed, I might make fresh ink without digestion. He will be a good pred, unlike ol' inky here.

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