12 Slipping Away

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            I couldn’t continue the story. I had to stop talking.

            Replaying that night in my head brought back all the emotions from that time.

            The tears were running freely from my face and I couldn’t stop them if I tried.

            I gave a somber look to my daughter. “I’m sorry.” I said to everybody and then left the room as fast as I could. Not bothering to look back.

            I faintly heard Darcy ask if she should come help me, but didn’t hear any replies.

            I went into the bedroom and crossed quickly to the master bath and locked the door behind me.

            There was a box of tissues sitting nicely on the sink and I didn’t hesitate in grabbing any. The snot that was running out of my nose was disgusting. I looked in the mirror and wasn’t surprised to see red blotches scattered around my face. I was an ugly crier. I hated crying in front of anybody. I rarely let anybody see me cry. Not even Harry. I don’t care how much he tells me I’m beautiful in his eyes no matter what. I just can’t do it.

            I’ve probably been in the bathroom about ten minutes before Harry came knocking. I was shocked that he hadn’t come sooner. Usually he’s right on my heals trying to comfort me.

            “Love, can I come in?” He asked, his voice low and soft. I blew my nose and wiped my eyes one last time, all makeup gone from my face, and opened the door. He didn’t smile, he didn’t say another word, he just wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

            That was all I needed. Just a hug and someone there to tell me it’s alright without actually having to verbalize it.

            I loved how much Harry knew me.

            After a few more minutes he tilted his head back to look down at me. “I love you.” He said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

            “I love you too.” I said, my voice came out hoarse. I grunted to clear my throat and then gave a half smile. “Sorry about that.”

            Harry frowned. “You don’t have to apologize for crying.” He said. “And the others understand.”

            I looked down. “What about Darcy?” She’s my daughter and I felt embarrassed for crying in front of her. “I’m supposed to be strong for her; a role model.” I added feeling ashamed.

            Harry’s hand came up under my chin and nudged my face to look at him. “Do you even know what you’re saying?” He asked. “You’re not superwoman. Darcy doesn’t expect you to be perfect. And frankly seeing you cry will benefit her.”

            Now it was my turn to frown. “How would that benefit her?”

            “Seeing you cry tells her that it’s okay to cry.” He said.

            “I don’t you know what you’re saying.” I replied, shaking my head and letting a chuckle escape.

            “I think it’s time we head back out and finish this story, yea?” He asked, ignoring my comment. I nodded. I had no problem forgetting what Harry was trying to explain because sometimes his logic just gives me a headache.

            He kissed me one last time and we headed back to the living area.

            “I think I’m going to continue telling the story.” Harry said as we sat down. I looked at him questioningly. “I don’t want you to get upset again.”

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