prolo. pt ⁴

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prologue pt ⁴ - ² year ago
(to be loved is to be known)

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"I'm not sure about this dress, lady mother." Phillipa said as Rhaenys tightens the back of her new gown. The dress was completely pink- a bright obnoxious pink.

"You will look stunning, my sweet." Rhaenys tells her.

"It looks like I'm trying too hard to be someone I'm not." Phillipa says. Myla was holding the sides of Phillipa's belly while Phillipa held onto Myla's shoulders, giving her stability. Myla had stayed up for two nights making a fabric pad that would hide Phillipa's little swollen belly under her dress. Though the belly was still very small, they didn't want to risk anything.

"Perhaps you should have thought about consequences before you let Daemon strip you of your girlhood." They heard Corlys speak from the back of the room. Phillipa felt the guilt of her decisions with every comment that Corlys made. When Rhaenys told Corlys the news, his yelling could be heard across Driftmark. But to their surprise, he wasn't angry at Phillip. He was angry at Daemon- yelling something about how Daemon always ruins good things. Corlys always had a pitiful soft spot for Daemon because they're both second sons but he hated how he could do this to Phillipa and then leave her like she's nothing- she's not nothing, she's Corlys' daughter now and Daemon crossed a line. But this past fortnight, Corlys and Rhaenys spent their days and nights writing to all the noble lords they know from all over Westeros. Inviting them to line up in front of their new Princess and tell her why she should choose him to marry- again with the marital meetings. Except this time, Phillipa has to choose a husband.

And as a favor that was owned to Corlys, Lord Lyonel Strong offered Harrenhal as a place to hold this affair. The Strongs were being more than kind to Velaryons, simply because of Phillipa. Phillipa and Harwin have been good friends for a couple years now. They had met due to the fact that Harwin is Nicklaus' best friend. The moment they met, they immediately got along. When the Velaryons had arrived two nights ago, they quickly began to get Phillipa ready. Phillipa's stress was visible from miles away. She felt like a brand-new doll- hair down, new dress, new shoes. They say it's all for her but in truth, it's more to protect the Velaryon name. But she can't blame them.

"Actually, I think this dress will work just fine." Phillipa says, forcing a smile. She reaches for the cracker on the table next a shoves half of it down her throat. At the sound of eating, Mops jumps down from Phillipa's bed and runs towards her. He stands on two legs, barking for a piece. Phillipa laughs at her little dog and gives him the other half of the cracker. Recently Phillipa has noticed that the only time she feels even the slightest bit happy is with Mops. Perhaps it sounds stupid but at times she feels as if her pet is her only friend.

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