A Polished Gem

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"You know I hate that nickname" kaiser said. "I know full well" Cosmic said with a smug face, "Oohhh heyy remember when noal noa praised me and called YOU a "Shitty clown"" Cosmic teased kaiser. "Tch" was the only noise kaiser could make.

"You got jokes now?" Kaiser said while getting up and walking to the door. "Watch out~" Cosmic giggled, Kaiser look back and was met with a ball going mock 4 at his face.

20 minutes later

'Can't believe kaiser got weaker after replacing me with ness' Cosmic thought while laughing sinisterly (Ohhhhh plot) suddenly ego appeared n a monitor. "Well if it isn't my precious tanzanite (its a very rare blue gemstone) I have a request" Ego said while reaching his hand out, "what is it this time ego" Cosmic said in a monotone voice. "How do you feel about doing a 48 v 1?" Ego said while pushing his glasses up.

Team Z room

Team Z and team Y just finished there match and won my a miracle. "Geez I never thought this would be so hard without Cosmic" Kunigami said to chigiri while lemon was making a game plan. "Tell me about it, but atleast he brought out our teamwork. Without him we probably would have been fighting over the ball still" Chigiri replied to the ginger.

Suddenly ego appeared on the screen, "hello my unpolished gems, I have a proposal" ego said with a sinister smile, "me and Cosmic decided on doing a little challenge for all of you to improve your weapons and mindset faster" Ego explained showing holograms of Cosmic and his stats. "And what exactly is this "challenge"?" Isagi asked.

"You all including the other teams in building 5 will be doing a 48 v 1 against none other than COSMIC KING" ego said. "That's crazy!!" Naruhaya shouted, "do you actually think he would win!???" Kuon yelled at ego. "I don't think, I know he will win. but I never said it was for you guys to win, I said it was a way to get closer to your evolution" ego explained. 'I know its crazy a 48 vs 1 is completely insane...but were talking about cosmic, if he could rival a team of 11 players than I think he would defeat us' isagi thought.

In a random soccer field that was double the size of a normal one you could see Cosmic putting one leg on a ball and his other on the ground

In a random soccer field that was double the size of a normal one you could see Cosmic putting one leg on a ball and his other on the ground

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tch, I can't believe I have too crush ants just for ego's stupid idea of making another world class striker' Cosmic thought. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door to his left open. 'There finally here' cosmic thought sarcasticly.

Pip pip kickoff

Cosmic started with the ball and was surprised to see no one rushing him, not even raichi the hothead shark. 'So they grew some brains, still doesn't change the fact that there measly Npc's to a masters game' Cosmic thought while running into the wall of players. The first player to charge in was niko ikki, 'his eyes are better than isagis' cosmic thought. Cosmic did a quick chop feint that looked like an anime character doing a sidestep, but before he ran to the next player he graced niko's shoulder with his palm. 'Thanks for the upgrade buddy' cosmic thought.

Blue Locks God (Blue Lock x Male Oc) (Unhiatasedded) its a real word trustWhere stories live. Discover now