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beep beep beep

i groaned as my alarm blared through the dorm room.
sophomore year....here we go.

sighing, i flung my arm out to silence the screeching coming from my clock. i ever so slowly got myself out of my comfy bed, not wanting to leave the warmth surrounding me.

god i hope this year goes well.

My second year at Yuuei Art Academy. I decided to pursue a career in music, very smart decision i know. but hopefully, this actually works out. i cant imagine myself doing anything other than music.

i finally got myself ready for the day, after about two hours of just sitting around and doing absolutely nothing. checking the time on my phone, i realized that i only had about 25 minutes to get to my first class.

"Jesus christ...why am i always late?" i thought out loud.
"Maybe because you stay up until 3 am every single night." My roommate, Ochaco, snickered.
Rolling my eyes, i quickly put my shoes on and ran out the door, waving to Ochaco as i left.

I made it into the lecture hall with a solid two minutes to spare, thank god professor mic was notoriously late.
looking around the almost filled room, i spotted a seat in the far corner. perfect, i thought as i made my way over.
while walking up the steps, i did what i do best and made a fool out of myself. of course, i tripped and sent my notebooks (and myself) flying.

embarassed, i picked myself up and continued walking to my seat, my head hung low.
from behind me, i heard someone chuckle. looking behind, i was met with red eyes staring straight through me.

now even more embarrassed due to being laughed at, i blushed and hid behind my textbook, and prayed that the professor would arrive soon.
and my prayers were answered as i heard professor mic screaming at us to "get hyped for the new year".

i let my head fall onto the table in-front of me, groaning.
god this year is gonna suck.


arriving back to my dorm, tired and grumpy, i met with Ochaco, bubbling over with joy.
"Whats got you so giddy?" i sneered.
She simply smiled and giggled, bounding around the room.
"Oh nothing....i just met the CUTEST guy in my production class!" she giggled.

"Thats great Chaco, hopefully you spend more time with him than me," i yawned, flopping onto my bed.
"You're so mean Inukai! We're supposed to be besties!" she pouted.
"Mhm.....yeah....sounds good...." i dozed off.
Next thing i knew, i was completely and utterly slumped.


"See you on Wednesday, Jirou!" i called out to my coworker, having just finished my shift.
"See ya Kiko!! Remember to bring in some extra pics for the class on Friday!" she called back.
I nodded and gathered my belongings, leaving the shop and making my way back to my dorm.

I worked at the little music shop about 15 minutes away from campus, mostly for the discount, but teaching the lessons was a bonus.


Chaco: i was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight! celebrate the start of a new semester :>

I giggled at Ochaco's enthusiastic message, beginning to type out a response.
Not paying attention to my surroundings, i ran directly into someone. Looking up i started to apologize, when i was once again met with red eyes glaring down at me.

"Watch where you're going, dumbass," he scoffed, bumping my shoulder as he passed me.
staring, dumbfounded, i was interrupted by my phone buzzing again.

Chaco: what do you think roomie?? we can have......BONDING TIME!!! :DDD

i shook my head, both at the aggressive man i just met, and my roommate's message.

sophomore year.....god help me.

{A/N / Disclaimer} 

This story will contain some darker themes, some chapters will go into detail regarding eating disorders, self destructive tendencies, and abusive family. 

read at your own risk. 

Please reach out if you are going though something, i am here for you. You are loved, you are worthy, and you will be okay. 

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