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Chaco: Hellloooooooooo?? Sushi??? yea or nay?????

Kiko: sorry! sushi sounds good!! how about the place next to the music shop?

Chaco: OMG YAS!!!! i meet you there

i giggled and shook my head at Ochaco's text. i put my phone back into my bag and started making my way to our local sushi restaurant.

the bell dinged as i opened the door, a chorus of "welcome!" meeting my ears. Ochaco waved me down from the table she was sitting at. i made my way over to her and sat down, sighing.

"Uh-oh.....what happened this time?" she questioned me.
"nothing.....i just had a run in with the rudest person to ever exist," i rolled my eyes, recalling the blonde i had just met.

Ochaco scoffed, "jeez, what is with rude people nowadays?" she shook her head as i picked up my menu.
"I mean, i was just minding my business and he comes out of nowhere and calls me an asshole? like who does he even think he is?" i grumbled.

"......i mean, was he at least cute?"
"CHACO!!!! now is not the time!!!"
"what?!? i was just curious!!" she puffed her cheeks out at me.
"well, i guess he was kinda attractive..." i mumbled, hoping the brunette didn't hear me.
"OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A CRUSH!!!" she slammed her hands on the table, jumping up, causing other customers to give us strange looks.
"WHAT THE HELL?? NO??? he was a complete jerk!! theres no way in hell i would ever go out with someone as rude as him!" i exclaimed, now embarrassed due to the entirety of the restaurant now looking at me.

"i was just kidding around..." my roommate sulked, opening up her menu.


i sighed deeply and began looking through my own menu, when the waitress interrupted me with an overly enthusiastic "hello!"

we ordered our drinks, ochaco picking some sort of strawberry soda, and i went with the safest option i had available.


as ochaco began listing the items she would order for herself, i felt panic rising up in my chest.

jesus, why do these all have such a high calorie count?

when the waitress finally came back over to take our orders, i could feel my hands begin to shake.
i quickly looked over the entire menu and chose the only thing that had a low enough caloric intake for my needs.

not realizing it was something i absolutely hated at the time, but its all gonna be worth it in the end.

its worth it to be small.

i woke up the next morning with some of the worst hunger pains i have ever felt.

after we got back to our dorm, i quickly purged everything i had consumed, the feeling of food resting inside my body making me sick.

my stomach growled, and i groaned, getting out of bed to get ready.

luckily i had no classes today so that gave me more time to distract myself.

so, to the library i went.

i threw on the largest coat i had, as i was freezing in the beginning of August.

and once i had made it to the library, i promptly locked myself inside of one of the study rooms and began to practice on my next song.

hoping that it will make the ache in my stomach disappear.

i tweaked a few strings on my beloved guitar, making sure she was in pristine condition for me to play.

i scribbled a few things onto a sheet of paper, and started to sing.

i let this euphoric feeling surround my body, as i let everything i had been bottling up out.

i continued to play without a care in the world, safely since no one could possibly hear me.

i locked the door...right?

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