f i v e

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we had brainstormed ideas for roughly 4 hours, but ultimately came up with nothing

and by the time we were reaching the 5th hour is when my stomach decided to let our the angriest roar.

i immediately rose to my feet to begin chugging water, all part of the routine

what i didn't notice was Bakugou rising to stand next to me.

"eat something dumb ass....i swear to god if i have to buy you food you owe me big time."

i blinked up at him for a few seconds as i tried to think of something to say

"ugh, whatever lets fucking go already"

he growled as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my dorm

what the fuck is going on


Bakugou dragged me around downtown for what felt like hours to my tired body

but he had finally stopped in front of a cute little ramen joint

"hey listen, i appreciate you taking me here but im really not hungry its fine" i attempted to plead at him

"shut the fuck up and get inside" he growled back

we quickly made our way inside and sat at a little booth, and i could immediately feel my anxiety rising 

once again, i ordered a water

no need for liquid calories 

i kept fidgeting in my seat, which i guess pissed Bakugou off since he forced my hands apart

"stop doing that idiot, you're gonna hurt yourself" he grumbled

i felt heat rising to my cheeks and quickly hid behind my menu

once the waiter came around, i tried to order just a miso soup but Bakugou wasn't having that and decided to order for me

fuck my life 

i couldn't stop all of the thoughts swimming around in my mind

it was too much

i excused my self to the restroom and dry heaved for about 20 minutes

its worth it to be small 


after Bakugou had forced me to eat about half of my ramen, he walked me back to my dorm

muttering something about how hes not that much of an asshole to let a girl walk home alone

at least he had that going for him

"so, should we exchange socials or something? just so we can keep up with the project and schedule times we can work on it and stuff"

"yeah whatever" 

he shoved his phone into my hands, where i typed in my instagram handle

he tapped on his phone a few times and my phone buzzed with a new notification

"okay so just dm me whenever you are available and we can go from there" i offered a grin

which was not returned


"sure. later" 

he spoke over his shoulder as he sauntered away, leaving me all alone in front of my door

i felt that sickening feeling rise in my throat

i struggled to get my key into the lock for a few seconds but finally was able to throw my door open and book it to the bathroom

its worth it to be thin



apologies for not uploading in like 4 weeks, i had a bunch of family stuff go down and i was unable to write smh


i am back now and i will try to keep with the weekly updates (normally sun-tues im hoping)

so yes, lmk how youre liking this fic and what you would like to see in the future!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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