update on "Just Like Me"

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I'm starting to work on the cover!!!!
This is what it looks like rn

I'm starting to work on the cover!!!!This is what it looks like rn

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Bro looks so goofy fr- 💀

This looks like garbage tho 🗑
Oh well, I mean this IS the prototype cover.

Imma go work on it more tomorrow
Its freaking 2am I gotta go fr
I think I hear demons screeching outside help
Its not even 3am yet chill out 💀

Anyways have this definitely explainable image

(BTW I didn't make this my friend did, she made this for me as a joke xfyofocogcyxoyc)

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(BTW I didn't make this my friend did, she made this for me as a joke xfyofocogcyxoyc)

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