Im ending ALOT of books.

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Hi everyone, I got some probably bad news.
I'm going to be ending some books.
What I mean is that I'm gonna unpublish them, as I don't what to work on them anymore.
I'm not gonna delete them, for memory purposes.
This is a list of the books that are going to be ended.

LRS and friends X Reader
Olds ocs, very cringey, actually was going to make a remake, don't know if I'll finish it.

Taifents Taco Party
Really bad, made most of the images with MS paint, what the heck even is a taco party?? Why tacos????? I thought it was gonna get popular because it was interesting. It isn't, well. To ME it isn't, but probably to some people.

Grayish playground
Has a good premise and idea, but kinda lazy, and using someones work for your own without their permission? That's a big no-no right there, and you just did it, I might Finnish it though, just with less stealing videos.

Actually Finnished it on paper, it's horrible, and yes me, it IS a fan fiction, just because your self insert Mary sue is in it doesn't change anything, dumbass.


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