(2) My dreams are wacky (long)

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Hi there, I'm guessing you've read the last chapter huh? OF CORSE YOU DID!
Anyways... DREAMS, they're awesome :)
oh hey, I just had a horrible joke plastered into my mind about Dream, I could put it here... But I'm not gonna
(Even though I KNOW this text is so freaking cringey... I'm still gonna leave it here just to make my older self cringe) >:)

I'm gonna talk about some of my dreams (that I remember), I'll put them into different categories.
Cool dreams. :D
Normal dreams. :)
Uncomfortable/stressful dreams. :(
(Or nightmares if they're really bad)

But before we do that, I just wanna talk about my dreams in general.
Most of my dreams are very cool (So cool in fact to where they can inspire me to create a book called HEROLAND-). Most of my dreams I don't remember, only some of the middle and afterwards. But not all my dreams are happy, some of them can stress me out, which has strangely been happening alot lately... When my dreams are like this, I remember EVERYTHING from them, usually because they're so short, which is also usually because I wake myself up once it gets stressful, or I freaking DIE, which happens not too far into the dream. Also, my dreams feel very real, and sometimes they even LOOK real, or sometimes, my dream is clearly fake, but I still think it's real. I'm pretty sure the reason why this happens is because I was told that if I think that my dream is real, then it'll last longer, but that's actually false, because my dreams are still the same length, actually... They've been getting SHORTER! I've been trying to fix this, by telling myself that my dreams aren't real, but... Now I just can't sleep. And... I think I know why now... Real life sucks, and since I had convinced my brain to believe that all my dreams are real, it's making my dreams stressful and uncomfortable, and that's kinda how my life is, so... I'm guessing that my brain is confused or something? And that it thinks that real life is a dream, and a dream is real life? Because, in a recent dream I had, I was actually dreaming in it! And sometimes, during the day, when I'm awake, I feel like I'm in a dream...

So first of all...
⭐️ Cool Dreams ⭐️

Nope nvm I'm too lazy to Finnish this
This is really old btw, I started working on this right after the last chapter, but I never finished it.
And im not going to.
Womp womp

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