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Hi I'm back
And I'm doing horrible
But anyways, it's time for some updates.

1. If your a fan of my YT channel, and you watch my videos daily or smth, then you probably know that I've gotten into a new fandom, which is Mario's Madness. (Which is an FNF mod, if you didn't know)

2. There's been alot of family drama recently, so I'm not really in a good mood, which is why I haven't been updating this in a while. Also today is Valentines day, I HATE valentines day, actually, I call it Stupidtines day, that's how much I hate it.

3. I don't actually have a character I have a crush on anymore, I know, very surprising. I actually have a comfort character, and favorite character now, but I don't wanna say cuz I want people to guess.🤑🤑🤑

Anyways, that's all for now, I don't have anymore updates.
Stay tuned I guess lol

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