Chapter 6

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Matilda was sitting in the courtyard near Ravenclaw Tower with Sammy when Cedric approached her. It was a bright Sunday morning in mid-September and many students were out and about, basking in the sunlight. Cedric stood in front of her, hands in his pockets as he glanced between her and Sammy.

"Hi," Matilda said, smiling at him.

He returned the smile, "I was wondering if we could have a word?"

Cedric cleared his throat and looked at Sammy, who shrugged and moved over to speak to Freya and Stacey.

Matilda gestured for him to continue.

"I heard that you and Fred Weasley have been getting close."

"Who told you that? Let me guess...Professor Trelawny? You know she's a fraud—"

"Doesn't matter who I heard it from, are you?" Cedric said shortly.

Matilda frowned at his harsh tone, "No. Definitely not. Even if I was, it's none of your business."

"It sort of is, Til. Because if you get too close to him, he'll realise what you are, and I can't think of anything worse than Fred Weasley knowing about your condition," he said, lowering his voice.

"I hate him, Ced, you know that and it's never going to change," she replied, stepping away from him. "Besides, I know the dangers of what would happen if...if people found out. I'm the one living with it, remember?"

Cedric nodded and looked away shamefully, "I know. I'm sorry, Matilda. I just don't want you to get hurt by him."

"He's not going to hurt me because nothing is happening between us," Matilda said pointedly. She saw Sammy raising a curious brow. "I'll see you 'round, Ced."

She smiled at him politely and stepped around his tall frame, walking towards her friend. Sammy placed her hands on Matilda's shoulders and shook them violently.

"What did he say?"

Matilda rolled her eyes with exaggeration, "You're such a Nosey Nelly, Sammy. He just wanted to play the protective brother."

"I still can't believe you live with him," Sammy said, her eyes glazing over as Cedric walked past. "Like...that's a lot of time spent with the Pretty Boy."

"The Pretty Boy?" Matilda pretended to vomit. "Gross! Why does my best friend have to be so obsessed with my brother?! Surely that breaks the girl code somewhere."

Sammy shook her head, "I'd break all girl codes if it meant I got to have a conversation with him. I've been in the same house as him for four years and yet the only thing he's said to me is 'hi'. Do you know how sad that is?"

"Might have something to do with you blushing violently every time he comes near you," Matilda said casually, linking her arm through Sammy's as they made their way to the Great Hall to study. Sammy glared at her friend. "I'm just saying! It could be a contributing factor– Ouch!"

Matilda had stopped in her steps and placed both her hands to her head. Something had hit it, painfully, and she could feel the injury site pulsing.

"Bloody Peeves..." Sammy muttered, watching the Poltergeist snicker before floating down the corridor. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I think so," Matilda answered, blinking awkwardly as she took a few steps, timidly. She looked over at what had hit her and saw a journal, with very familiar initials written across the top. She picked it up and dusted off the diary. " 'F.W' ."

"Fred Weasley has a diary?!"


"Merlin's beard, let's read it..."

MATILDA - fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now