Chapter 32

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Lyall walked up to Lupin and placed his hands on his shoulders to look him over, and it took a moment for Matilda to realise that Lyall was making sure Lupin was okay. He scanned his son's face, his own brow furrowed, and hummed. Matilda's chest constricted — this time not from her injuries, but from the bitter, stinging reminder of her own parents' rejection of her condition.

"What's going on, Dad?" Lupin asked, stepping away once he passed his father's assessment. He turned to her direction and stepped towards her, "Matilda? What happened?"

There was a beat of silence before Dumbledore answered, but Lupin spoke first.

"It was Greyback. I can smell him."

Lyall turned to Dumbledore, "Greyback did this? He attacked again?"

"Miss Diggory was attacked when she was Remus' age, in a similar manner, Lyall," Dumbledore explained. "I do not know what inspired him to return, but yes, he attacked Miss Diggory. Again."

Matilda saw Lupin kneel down beside her, and his hands hovered over her for a moment, unsure of how to help. "What could this mean, Professor?"

Dumbledore sighed, "I don't know, Mr Lupin, and that is why I am taking this very seriously. She is to remain here until I say so. I've told Amos to take the others over to France in the next few days just in case their family has become a target."

"Could this be a sign he is coming back?" Lyall asked, his voice rugged.

"I cannot say, Lyall. I trust you to nurse Miss Diggory back to good health and I will keep you updated on this situation," Dumbledore said, shaking both men's hands.

He left just as Arthur did, the sound of a crack! marking the start of an uncomfortable silence.

Then, "I'll go get a cloth to clean away the blood," Lupin said, slapping his hands on his thighs before standing up and leaving the room.

Lyall watched him go and placed his hands in his pockets with a huff, "Between you and me, Miss Diggory, that man has said more words in the last fifteen minutes than he has since he arrived here." He seemed to wait for her response only to remember she couldn't speak. She wanted to tell him not to call her that — "Miss Diggory" — when she felt little to no connection to her family name at all. Lyall stepped forward and reached for the torn piece of clothing Arthur had fastened around her neck.

Matilda flinched away at his touch, her eyes wide and full of protest.

"I know it stings, Miss Diggory... I'm sorry, this is going to hurt..."

As gently as he could, Lyall removed the make-do bandage. Matilda let out a wince as pain shot through her neck, and once again tears were brought to her eyes.

"You're a very strong girl," Lyall told her, examining the wound. "This is...brutal." He moved his gaze to her face and dread filled Matilda at how Lyall's face contorted to one of pity. "He's done a number on you, that's for sure. Can you point out anywhere else you feel pain?"

She felt pain all over, but Matilda knew he meant physically, so she pointed at her abdomen and her leg.

"Yes, yes...I noticed you've got scratches all over your chest and a lot of bruising around your ribcage..." Lyall murmured as he moved over and looked at her leg, where blood had seeped through her pyjama pants. He rolled the pants up and drew in a sharp breath. "Full bite...I can see where the canines have cut into the gastrocnemius..."

Matilda didn't understand half of what he was saying, but she got the gist: scars, bruises, scars.

"I'm back," Lupin announced as he entered the room, "and I brought disinfectant and bandages."

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