Unexpected Returns

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Yo peeps. Above is a pic of bloody Strike. I'm not very good with digital art, so that's the best I could do. Plus, all it took me was fifteen minutes, so it's kinda messy. And I forgot to do a couple of stuff, like the hoofcuffs, and I drew the broken hoof was a forehoof instead of a backhoof, and I also didn't make the wing torn enough. It's just blood on the wing. I used 'Drawing Brush' for this. You can find it on the App Store.

I didn't give a shit about where that mare was. Right now, all I cared about was Strike. Each time I came closer, she flinched. I wonder why. She should be happy that I'm saving her. Not.. Afraid of me.

I looked at her. What if, that mare was stupid enough to bind Strike with the piece of floor she's on instead of the entire cell? I think that's why she can't move from her place.

As fast as I can, I smashed the piece of floor under her with a blast of magic, leaving Strike bound to nothing. She was free. That mare really is stupid.

I teleported both of us back to the house. Strike was shivering uncontrollably, her wounds still bleeding. She doubled over, throwing up on the turquoise carpet. The stench was foul, but I didn't care. She took a small breath.

"Y-you s-sa-saved me." She said in a tiny voice."It's you."

"Of course it's me, who else could I be?" I said, confused. "Just wait here."

I walked down the small corridor with the bathroom at the end. I entered, grabbed the first-aid kit, then went back to Strike. I removed all the bandages and wound plasters from her wounds and replaced them with new, clean, fresh ones.

Then, I made my horn glow, and aimed it at her. It was a healing spell. But it didn't work. These wounds had to heal naturally.

"I thought you-you were coming to hurt me." She said.

I frowned, confused. Why would she think that?

"What do you mean? You do realize it's me....right?"

"When I was there at first, a fake 'you' entered my cell. She was supposedly 'rescuing me'. But when she took me, she took me somewhere strange. Then she started beating me up and cutting me. Second time that happened, I thought of the tiny possibility that it might be you, so I went with her. But she did the same. Third time, I pulled away from her, avoiding her as much as I can, but instead of leaving me alone, she shot my wounds with magic, it was terribly painful, and made them bleed again. They never even replaced my bandages. Fourth time, it was actually you. I never noticed." She explained in a small voice.

My blood boiled in anger. I gritted my teeth. "Can you recognize anypony who works there?"

"Not at all, they were all in black. They were all pegasi except the mare." She winced at the thought.

I thought of the mare. Who was a blue unicorn? Trixie? No, she was too weak at magic. This one was powerful. A knock sounded across the room.

"Wait here." I said, walking to the door. I wouldn't open it without asking who. Not in my current circumstances.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Miss.Flamespark, it't your daily newspaper. Have you not subscribed?" Said a voice.

I opened the door a peek. Indeed, it was the newscolt. I took the newspaper, thanked the colt in blue, and shut the door.
I set the newspaper on the table, not caring to read it. It was never proper news, just articles and ads. I subscribed just in case the ads came in handy. They came in handy alot of times. And the past newspaper was about my discovery of how rainbows are made.

I looked at Strike's bandages. They were bloody all over again. I replaced them again, confused. Then I remembered. The fake 'me' shot her wounds with a spell that makes them unable to heal with a healing spell. I saw it in my battle section of my spell book.

That's it! A counter spell! I swiftly paged through the spell book. Beginners levitation spell, teleportation spell, spectra spell, NO! There wasn't any counter spell to the spell that was put on Strike. I looked back at her. Her bandages and plaster were bloodied again.

I sighed. I removed them slowly, revealing the wound below. It worse than before. I wrapped it in two layers of plaster, and bandaged her torn wing. I had nothing to do now. Strike's first music lesson was tomorrow and she couldn't go. I'll have to take a refund tomorrow - and I will not leave her at home.

I grabbed the newspaper.

After the horrid discovery of the Rainbow Factory's methods of making spectra by Rainbow Flamespark, Flight School failures were not sent to exile, in fear that they would end up dead at the Rainbow Factory. Instead, the consequence was not receiving their Flight School certificate. Even though, some foals were announced missing after failing their test.
In suspicion, investigators checked the Rainbow Factory. It was still in operation, and the missing foals were found pale colored and dead below the factory.

There was a picture of the dead foals under the text. I winced at the sight of the foal on the left.


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