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"What's your decision?" Said the pony impatiently.


"I can simply rage out of control that easily. You can't have her without giving up your magic. And the longer you take to decide and the more you hesitate.." The pony grinned. "The more she's in pain."

The pony ran towards the shaking emerald filly, a look of fear plastered on her face. He held a sharp knife to her throat, and gave me a 'what do you say?' look.

"I get her first, then my magic." I said, knowing that if I insulted or screamed at the pony, Strike may be murdered in a second.

The pony shook his head, but I didn't care. The pony came to me and held me back with all strength, but I threw him/her backwards.

I ran to her, but she had no reaction. Is she..dead?


What if she's dead? Thankfully, she groaned.

"Leave me alone." She mumbled.

"Strike! I'm going to get you out of here! Get up before they come here!"

But all she did was turn around slowly, obviously in utter pain. When her chest pressed down against the hard, white floor, the wound started bleeding again.

"Strike! Please! I'm begging you!"

There was a square hole at the back of the cell, which I never noticed. She crawled over and sat down, her hooves dangling down the hole. I moved to her, but she just flapped her 'good' wing against my hooves. It wasn't good though. It was only good compared to the other one, which was torn and bleeding. And it seemed that her tears were streaming 24/7.

She fumbled with the nailed-on cuffs, blood seeping from them, with no success. Then I heard something. Hoofsteps. A pony in black stepped into the cell.

"STRIKE! QUICK!" I screamed.

All she did was groan. What in Tartarus is wrong with her? The pony slammed the cold, metal door shut. I grimaced. Think, FlameSpark..Think! Then it came to me. Levitation! Of course! But first I had to deal with the pony.

A blue horn peeked out of the black suit. I was right.. There WAS some magic involved.

"Look who's here!" Said a mare's voice. It sounded incredibly familiar and excited. "So you've come to claim your precious little filly, huh?" She looked at the little trembling filly.

"Yes, and NOTHING will get in my way!" I said.

She grinned. "We'll see about that!"

She threw back her head then brought it forward pointing it at Strike. A green light emitting from it was aimed at Strike. After the mare stopped, Strike started glowing a neon shade of green. Must be a spell to keep her in the cell. I should've freed her when I had the chance! Not vowing to deal with this unicorn first!

That was it. I pointed my horn at the mare and generated as much magic as I can, focusing it on the top of my horn. It glowed exceptionally bright, and the whole cell lit up a purple light. I generated more magic and focused it all into a ball the size of four hooves combined. It floated above my horn, and I generated even more magic, trying to ignore Strike's shakes of fear. I aimed the ball at the mare. A look of fear flashed in her eyes before the ball hit her.

The cell was filled with exploding noises, and a very high pitched noise. The ceiling cracked, chunks of rock falling down the square hole. Many of them bumped or scraped against Strike's hooves, leaving her crying out in pain. Guilt gnawed at my stomach. I should've thought of Strike before generating too much magic...

I dodged a chunk of the ceiling that almost hit me. What have I done? Strike was frantically trying to get away from the hole, but the green glow around her glowed brighter for a second each time she tried, leaving her failing.

I was going to kill this mare! I looked around. There was an incredible green glow around the room, and then it was gone.

I had to save Strike. I realized that above the ceiling was more layers of rock. A huge rock almost hit Strike, but as fast as I could, teleported above her, and levitated the rock down the hole.

I formed a strong purple ball around Strike so that the rocks don't hit her while I found a way out. I aimed my horn at Strike, and she was trembling with more tears, probably thinking I was going to do what I did to the mare. But that left the question.

Where IS the mare?

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