Part 6

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He knew Mallory, she would accept a proposal if she was in love. So, by that reasoning if she'd said yes to Amanda's cousin, that would mean she was in love. And over Greg. Anxiety became torture for a second, until he remembered that she had not married. But that didn't mean she hadn't accepted the proposal. Anything could have happened. He remembered his own situation. He'd proposed to Mallory. She'd accepted. Then she had changed her mind.

"She said no." Amanda stated in dissatisfaction.

"She said no?" He sounded as astonished as he felt. While his heart jumped with joy only for his brain to remind him that she said yes to him only for her to change her mind within hours.

Amanda nodded and winced as she recalled, "He was gutted."

"Why did she turn him down?" Greg wasn't sure why he was pursuing this line. It didn't matter to him what Mallory did. Not any more. Not for ten years. He'd kept tabs on her over the years, followed her career. Seen her dance even. But he had also convinced himself that he was over her. Had moved on. Had dated other women. Had sex with other women. He had moved on. All of him except his heart, it would seem.

Amanda shrugged as she thought about it. "Not sure. Mallory was flying high. She'd just come back from the States. Doors were opening for her all over the place. As a dancer she could practically dictate where she went, who she danced for, when." She sighed. "I guess her uncle persuaded her not to get involved with Euan." It was an open secret that Tina's father wanted Euan for a son-in-law.

"She's easily lead then?" At least his heart was resuming it's normal heart beat.

"I wouldn't have said so." Amanda frowned as she thought about it. "But given that she turned him down, I guess she must be." With a perplexed look, she tipped her head back, and beamed up at him, "I know that if it was me, if I was in love with someone, I wouldn't let anyone persuade me to ditch them! Even if they were my uncle!"

"A woman after my own heart." He returned the smile while his heart and his brain was having a discussion. How can he feel like this?

Across the hall, when Tina excused herself and was a fair distance away, Harriet whispered softly, "You still love him, don't you?"

Mallory began to shake her head, in automatic self-protection mode, then she sighed as she conceded, "Yes." She glanced at her friend and with rueful resignation admitted, "I guess I've never stopped." Even now, as she had watched Amanda dance with him, she felt her heart splinter. She remembered holding him in her arms, when they were teens. She wondered how he would feel now.

"So why aren't you fighting for him?" Harriet demanded quietly. It was obvious that Mallory really did care for the man.

"Because I'd look stupid." Mallory told Harriet with a wry smile. And it would hurt, having him walk away, again. She'd taken ten years to develop a coping mechanism, she doubted she could do that all over again. No, best to just steer clear. He'd made it perfectly obvious that he wasn't looking to resurrect any relationship with her.

"He's back here to find a wife. You heard him. Go get him." Harriet said firmly, it was obvious that Mallory's feelings were not history, and she could not understand why Mallory did not flirted with him just now.

"It wouldn't work." She bit her lip, as she reached for composure. She shook her shoulder, "Not now." She whispered. "Not in a million years." She squared her shoulder, "He hates me." Mallory replied firmly and with feeling as she watched Amanda in his arms, and watched as Amanda and Greg smiled at each other. Mallory's heart all but shattered.

"Of course that is not true. I think you should......."
She took a breath and reminded her friend softly, "You he kissed. Amanda he kissed. Me, he didn't even offer an air brush cheek to cheek." She sighed ruefully and murmured with hurt in her voice, "I hurt him. I doubt he's forgiven me. From the looks of things that hurt has turned into dislike." She brushed away a tear.

"Oh Mallory." Harriet felt for her friend.

"He's moved on." Again a tear appeared and she rubbed the bridge of her nose, hoping that the tear could be mopped without anyone noting it. She again squared her shoulder, "He's not looking to restart with me. Why should he?"

"Because you are lovely and kind..."

Mallory smiled ruefully and said, "Why would he come to me, and start a relation, with a practical cripple now when he can have any woman he wants." She hadn't meant to speak aloud, but the thoughts were voiced as she continued to watch Amanda in Greg's arms.


"It's ok." Mallory swallowed, and then drew herself together, "I knew I'd bump into him, sooner or later. What with him moving back here. I knew we'd meet at some point. I'll deal with it." She tracked his movement on the dance floor. He and Amanda were laughing. The animation on his face only reminded her even more of her loss. With a soft sigh and a wan smile she admitted, "He's moved on. Seeing that, well, maybe now I will get over him."

Harriet gave her friend a hug. It was obviousthat Mallory was kidding herself. Seeing him had done nothing but cause evenmore pain. She was a long way from moving on.

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