Part 27

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"You could at least get us our beers!" Greg grated, though he tried to keep it teasing. He got to his feet. "I think I'll get my own beer. Anyone else want me to get them a drink, as Dave seems otherwise occupied." And he was practically at the door in seconds. Jack watched Greg practically race across the lawn, then he looked over at the French doors to look at his brother, and wondered what Dave was playing at. He knew for a fact that David was not interested in Mallory, but was interested in her friend.

David smiled and winked at Mallory as he took a step back, but he draped an arm along Mallory's shoulder just as Greg reached them.

"You sure as hell don't waste time." Greg announced as he reached David and Mallory. His eyes narrowed on Mallory.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Does your friend know you are hitting on Dave when she isn't around?"

"Whoa, Greg! Steady."

"I beg your pardon?" Mallory demanded. "I am not hitting on David as you so crudely put it. We were talking."

"Talking? You were practically breathing for each other. You think your friend would be impressed when she hears you are stealing the guy she likes?"

"Greg. You might want to pull your head in mate. Mallory and I were just reminiscing about the old days."

"Is that what it's called nowadays?" Greg asked then turned and stalked toward the fridge to retrieve some beers.

Mallory huffed. Then she looked at David, "You're right. He really is a prize jackass!" She looked over at Greg when he stalked past her with two beers in each hand.

"At least I'm not trying to steal my best friend's potential boyfriend." Greg retorted and stepped back into the garden.

David and Mallory waited for Greg to reach the others before they spoke.

"I'll go knock some sense into him." David said into the silence.

"I told you he's not interested." She replied on a sigh.

"Are you mad?" David looked at her as if she had just told him the moon really was made of cheese.

"You've just seen and heard what he said. He thinks I'm stealing you. And he's more concerned about what Ella will think. And apparently I'm about as exciting as a maiden aunt as far as he's concerned. " Mallory sighed, when David's eyes went wide, "It's ok, I can handle it. He wasn't saying it to be mean. Just to be clear."

"No." David shook his head, "I've known him for years. Trust me. He's interested in you. He's just being stupid. And is way beyond jealous given his behaviour just now. He's being stupid!"

"What, like you are with Ella?"

"That is kind of different, but ok, the same!" He conceded when she arched an eyebrow. "I told you, I've handed over my jackass crown for today. Your ex is now wearing it! I hadn't realized just how well it suits the idiot!"

They looked at each other and burst out laughing, which drew the attention of the group sitting outside.

"Hey, you two, this isn't some private party. You got something to laugh about, you have to share! Get out here." Jack called.

Greg narrowed his gaze when David and Mallory strolled out, arm in arm, their eyes twinkling conspirationally. Greg was fairly certain he was going to have words with Dave about this evening.

Half an hour later, Jack stood alongside his brother and handed him the coffee plunger. "What are you playing at Dave?"

David did not feign ignorance. "I'm not playing at anything."

"Yeah. Everyone apart from your ice queen knows you have feelings for your ice queen, so why are you flirting with Mallory tonight?"

David reached for the coffee and spooned in several tablespoons of coffee grounds. "I like flirting with her!" He laughed at Jack's snort. "And I figured Greg needs a wake up call."


"Greg. He likes Mallory."

"He liked her, years ago. When we were at school. Now..."

"He still likes her. He is behaving like a prize ass, but he likes her."

"Give me a break. The man has been dating Amanda since he got to town, if he liked Mallory, he'd have asked her out." Jack retrieved mugs for the guests and placed them on a tray.

"Yeah, if he wasn't being a prize ass." David poured hot water into the coffee plunger.

"Dave, you're imagining things. He's..."

"He's bloody jealous. Watch this." And with that David headed back out to the small group. He asked for coffee and tea orders, and when Mallory gave her request, Dave made some quip about her not needing sugar given how sweet she was. She laughed, and then Dave brushed her cheek with his lips before heading back to the kitchen. Even from the distance of the kitchen window Jack saw Greg's reaction.

"Ok. So he's jealous."

David nodded.

"So you flirting is helping him? How?"

"Remember the school dance?"

"Which one?"

"When I told you I was going to ask Mallory to go with me, and you said, that Greg was going to ask her?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah, you just wanted arm candy to show off, he liked her, wanted to go out with her." Jack put the jug of milk and bowl of sugar on the tray. "He was stalling asking her out cause he thought she'd say no."

"Exactly. I told him that if he didn't ask her I would. That galvanized him into action."

"And what, you think flirting with her will have the same effect now?" Jack shook his head. "We were teenagers then."

"So?" David picked up the teapot and coffee plunge pot, Jack picked up the tray of mugs, milk and sugar. "He's behaving like a stupid adolescent."

"He's experienced enough to handle his personal life." Jack warned. "You'll make things complicated."

"Doubt it" David grinned, "And anyway, I'm enjoying myself! If he wants to pretend there is nothing between him and Mallory, that's his problem."

"Yeah, right. The way you're going about it, he's likely to thump you!" Jack grinned, "And it would serve you right for interfering."

They stepped out of the kitchen and headed for the group.

Some half hour later, the party broke up as everyone headed home. As Dave and Greg made their way to their cars, Greg said, "I thought you liked Gabriella Jones."

David banked his smirk. He shrugged.

"So what's with the sudden interest in Mallory."

"Nothing sudden about it."

Greg snorted.

"I'd have asked her to the school dance if it wasn't for you." David reminded his friend.

"So what? You're making up for lost time?"

"Something like that." David announced as he reached his car. "What's it to you anyway?"

At which point Greg cottoned on to David's strategy. "Nothing whatsoever." Greg replied. "Just wanted to check."

"Check?" David glanced at Greg, "Check what?"

Greg shrugged. "Well, if you're serious about Mallory, that's good."


"Yeah, I was thinking about asking Gabriella out. Didn't want to step on any toes." Greg stated blandly. "I thought you were interested in her. Guess I got that wrong. But if the coast's clear, that's great."

David's eyes narrowed. Then he too figured out Greg's strategy. "Gabriella is a free agent. You want to ask her out, that's your decision."

"Yeah. It is, isn't it?" Greg sauntered off toward his car.

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