Part 26

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Mallory turned back to face David. She was certain David was wrong, even now, when she had looked out, Greg hadn't given a hoot. He was immersed in the conversation with Evie and Amelia. So David's attempts to flirt were a waste of time.

David nodded as he replied to Mallory's questions then added one of his own. "So, you going to fight for him?"

"Dave, he's not interested in me." She knew she sounded forlorn.

"Greg has always been interested in you. I can remember from way back, he's always had the hots for you." He tipped his head to one side and grinned, "You know it could have been me and you at school!"

"What? Don't be ridiculous." She hooted with laughter. "You never even noticed me in that way!" Out in the garden, Greg turned toward the sound of her laughter, but couldn't see her anymore. She and David were hidden by the door jamb and wall intersection. He wanted to lean back in his chair, to see just where they were. But he figured that would be a dead giveaway.

David planted a hand on the worktop and leaned against it. "Wrong Mallory darling! Every boy in our year noticed you. You just didn't notice us! You were so focused on dance. But trust me, we were all interested. Long legs, gorgeous face, drop dead figure, angelic looking..."

She started laughing. "You are having me on." She stopped, looked at him, and all but blinked in confusion, "Are you serious?" He nodded. She looked bemused, "Then why didn't any of you ask me out?"

"I was going to." He told her with a broad grin.

"You were?" She all but squeaked. "Really?"

David laughed. "Yes. To the school dance."

"So why didn't you?"

"Jack gave me a heads up."


"He told me Greg had been psyching himself up to ask you."


"And no offence, but as Jack pointed out, I just wanted to take you to the school dance so that I could say I'd brought one of the prettiest girls to the dance."


"But Greg, as Jack pointed out Greg wanted to take you, because he liked you. Really liked you. But he was pretty sure you'd knock him back because he was not in your league."

"My league?"

"Academic, aesthetic. He knew he was always going to do what all the men in his family did, work on building sites. But you, he figured you were going to set the dancing world alight. And you were a straight A student. From Greg's viewpoint, the chances of a straight A student dating a guy struggling through school were slim to nil. You were acing everything."

"Had to if I wanted the scholarship."

"Yeah, but Jack, Greg and I, well we, just coasted. Did enough to keep the teachers off our backs."

"So you didn't ask me." She sighed, then turned to accuse, "What if Greg hadn't? I'd have been without a date!"

David laughed. "Doubt it. Any case, I told Greg he had that day to ask, cause if he didn't I would."

Mallory started chuckling. "So you forced him to ask me out? Great."

"No force required. And it wasn't an idle threat either. I just told it as it was. If he didn't ask you, I would, and that he'd have to deal with it." David had known even at the time that Greg just needed that little push, because he was letting his nerves dictate his actions.

"Honestly." She shook her head, "All that time I've thought you guys just pranced around choosing girls as and when they took your fancy!"

"Harsh. But true. But when Greg hooked up with you, that was him off the availability list. You guys went out, what for three, four years?"

"Something like that."

"I'd say he's back to pick up where he left off."

"You are wrong." She shook her head. "He's not interested." David's eyebrows rose at the vehemence in her statement. "He told me. He said he was here because he wanted to settle down, get married, raise his kids in this town."


"But not with me." She added quickly.

"Want to put it to the test?"

"How?" Then she narrowed her eyes, "Not sure I'm going to like your suggestion."

"No suggestion needed." He replied and stepped up close.

Mallory put her hand on his chest as she laughed, "David! You know this is just going to end in tears!" She teased. And he laughed.

"Are you making our beer, Dave?" Greg called and both David and Mallory turned toward the sound and leaned back so that they could peer past the door jamb.

"Keep your hair on. I'm just catching up with Mallory." David replied with more than a hint of a challenge. And then turned back to face Mallory. "So you up for it?"

"Depends what 'it' is." She replied dryly.

"I bet," David began with a wink, and open challenge in his eyes, as he said, "That if it looked as if I was going to kiss you Greg will do something to stop it."

"Right." She stepped back, ready to return to the group outside. David followed her. "You are delusional."

David was not deterred. "In fact, I bet if I even just leaned toward you, I'd say in under three seconds he'll say or do something to make sure I don't follow through!"

"You are such an idiot Dave." Mallory told him with a snort.

"Coward." He grinned and then reached for her arm to stall her. "Want to put it to the test? Three seconds. Under."

"And what if he doesn't stop you?" She huffed.

"Then I get to kiss a gorgeous girl and you promise to tell Gabriella that I kissed you, if that doesn't get to her, not sure how else I can make her jealous!" David announced as if his suggestion made perfect sense.

Mallory shook her head. "You should tell her how you feel you know." Mallory said softly. "Honestly, it's so much easier if guys are just straight. Instead of all this cloak and dagger stuff, just tell women when you love them!"

"Enough about me. We are sorting your romantic aspirations out tonight!"

"Ok, fine." She conceded then grinned at him. "But no tongue!"

David hooted with laughter. Which drew Greg's attention and the attention of the others. David grinned and whispered "We have an audience, ready?" With that he leaned toward her whispering beneath his breath, "one thousand and one," he came closer, "One thousand and two," and just before he could count out the third second Greg's voice boomed.

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