Chapter 4

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Neytiri woke us kids up before sunrise and had our breakfast already ready. She instructed us to eat quickly so we can make it to our lessons early and give a good impression. Neteyam had eaten quickly and been out of our new home in ten minutes, leaving the rest of us surprised. Usually he would at least wait for me or Lo'ak to walk with him.

Lo'ak and I wait for Kiri and Tuk to finish getting ready before we leave for our lessons. Once they say goodbye to their parents we begin our journey to the destination we were supposed to be at before sunrise. Which didn't happen for anyone besides Neteyam.

Once we reach the location, I notice Tsireya, Ao'noung, and Rotxo are already there waiting for us. I smile a bit at the girl and she returns her own smile. I walk towards her as I cross my arms from being uncomfortable around the new boys. I see Neteyam sitting on the edge of the little bridge we're on, his feet dangling over the edge and into the water. He doesn't even look in our direction when he hears Lo'aks voice.

"Are you guys ready?" Tsireya asks us. I nod as Kiri and Lo'ak mumble in agreement. Tuk hides behind Kiri's leg a little, making Tsireya smile at the young girl. She shyly smiles back and waves.

I walk away from the group and sit next to Neteyam. "You good?" I ask him, nudging his shoulder playfully. He looks at me with a smile and nods. "Yeah, I'm fine," he says. He stands and grabs my hand to help me up which I take. We walk back towards the group who are having their own little conversation about what we'll be doing today.

"This morning will just be about swimming. This afternoon we'll practice with some ilus." Ao'noung says to us. I nod in understanding as the rest of my group mumbles in agreement.

Ao'noung and Rotxo jump in first, Tsireya following not long after. The Sully's and I look between each other, trying to figure out who will go next. Kiri grabs Tuk's hand and they jump in together. I look between Neteyam and Lo'ak, noticing them being a bit hesitant. I roll my eyes and run towards the water, jumping in with a large splash. Before I can open my eyes, I feel someone else jump into the water behind me. I open my eyes and see Lo'ak and Neteyam must've jumped in at the same time. I laugh at the boys before searching for Tsireya and her brother.

I see them a bit away and begin swimming towards them. I notice Kiri's amazement with the water and the creatures in it which makes my heart warm. Tuk follows closely behind me and her brothers behind her as we leave Kiri to enjoy her environment.

As we get closer to the other group of Na'vi, my longs begin to hurt from the lack of oxygen. I turn around and notice Lo'ak looking worried and pointing to the surface. I nod before I float to the top as Tuk holds my hand. Once we reach the surface, we all gasp and let the air from our lungs. "Holy shit," I say quickly before Lo'ak dips his head in the water again. Neteyam, Tuk, and I quickly follow after him. Tsireya is staring at up us as she uses her hands to try to say something to us. None of us understands what she's saying as we look between each other. She smiles before motioning for us to follow her and we do just that.

Lo'ak takes the lead this time as he attempts to get closer to the girl. He gets close to her but turns his head his siblings and I, his head shaking as he begins to ascend to the top. We follow after him and reach the surface. Tuk pulls her braids from her eyes quickly and swims towards me so I can help her float.

Tsireya and the boys soon follow suit, rising to us and barely even having to take a breath when they reach the surface. "You're too fast, wait for us," Tuk whines to the girl. Neteyam puts a hand on his little sisters back in a comforting way. "Just breathe," Tsireya reassures the girl. I nod and pat Tuk's back. "You're not good divers. Maybe good at swinging through trees but-" Ao'noung begins before his sister shushes him with a slap. I glare at the boy before I feel a hand on the small of my back. I turn my face to Neteyam and notice his arm is underwater but in my direction. He nods before looking at Ao'noung with no reaction.

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