Chapter 7

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Shortly after Kiri walked out of our sight, Neteyam began leading me towards the same rock we sat at merely hours before. He held my hand the whole time, occasionally looking back at me and smiling. I had no idea what awaited me or what Neteyam expected. I did however, have my hopes up.

I sat down on the rock with my legs crossed, Neteyam sitting across from me. He lays his hand on my thigh, smiling at me. "You actually want to mate with me?" I ask, my head tilting to the side with a smile. He nods, grabbing my hand with both of his own. "Of course I do. You're amazing." he says. I giggle a little bit before pushing his shoulder a bit. "You're such a skxawng." I say. He chuckles under his breath a little bit. "You don't like me?" he asks and feigns offense. I chuckle and shake my head, "Of course I like you Neteyam.".

He grins before pulling me in for a hug and rolling me onto my back. I laugh and stare up at the boy, admiring his eyes again. His smile is contagious and brings a heat to my cheeks. "So Y/N, will you do me the honor of mating with me in front of Ewya?" he asks me, his face moving closer to mine.

The heat radiating off of our bodies is probably enough to heat the whole ocean right now. I move my face closer to the boys, our noses touching lightly causing it to tickle. "Of course I will, Neteyam Sully." I say. His smile becomes ten times larger and I can see his fangs. He playfully growls before moving back and sitting with his legs crossed again.

I pull my body up and sit straight across from the boy. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Neteyam asks, moving his braid to the front of him. I nod eagerly and begin doing the same with my braid.

"I've never been more sure about anything." I say quickly.

Our braids are right in front of us as we hold the ends, staring into each others eyes. I begin to move my braid in closer to the buys, my smile is probably the widest it could possibly be. Our braids slowly connect and my pupils grow wide as I can see into Neteyam like I've never been able to before.

I feel his emotions, his memories, his thoughts, his dreams, everything about him is on display for me right now. I know he's feeling the same things I am right now and the feeling is absolutely euphoric. I can feel us becoming one, one being but separate at the same time. Like two hearts split in half. The feeling soon ends as our braids detach, leaving us staring back at each other in awe.

We wake up to the bright sun shining down on us. Last night was the greatest night ever. I snuggle in closer to the boy behind me, breathing in his scent as I do so. He pulls me closer to him and I hear him sigh in content. "Good morning." he says into my neck. I giggle a little as I feel his head nestle into the space between my shoulder and neck. I interlock my hand with his that's resting on my stomach. This feeling is almost better than last nights.

The village begins to bustle as the sun makes it's final stride to the sky. I can hear children yelling and playing from below our rock, making a smile appear on my face.

That smile doesn't last long however. "Neteyam." Jake says. My eyes widen at the mans voice as I turn around and make eye contact with the father, his own shocked expression on his face. Neteyam groans before sitting up and turning to his father.

Neytiri appears behind her husband, Tuk being held in her arms. The mothers eyes grow wide when she see's me and her son as she sets her daughter down. "Tuk, go find Tsireya and Kiri and play with them." she says, the girl giggling at her brother and I before doing as her mother asked. "What's going on here?" Jake asks, causing me to grimace from his tone. This is not going to be good.

"Dad I-" Neteyam begins before being cut off by his father. "Please tell me you two did not mate." the man says. Neteyam's face turns to stone as he looks towards the sea below us, his ears lowering in shame of disappointing his father. Neytiri's eyes meet mine, them showing an emotion I cannot determine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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