Chapter 2: The tower

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It's been a week since you've started working at the Italian restaurant and living in its apartment above. Mr. Ricci (which you still call him that, it just stuck) has paid you as well, even though you protested and said the rent free apartment was enough. But the brunette wouldn't hear none of it.

So, with your newly acquired money (most of it you snuck into his tip jar) you were able to take the subway and venture around the city. You realized you had made it to Manhattan, where you wanted to go all this time.

Mainly because you've heard of it to be where the Avengers lived and you figured it'd be the safest place. Or Queens where Spider-Man swings around.

You found yourself wandering the streets of New York, not knowing where you were which in itself is pretty dangerous. You don't know what could be lurking in the alleyways.

Walking with your head down, you heard a fumble of a lock and the sounds of a keypad being tapped. You shot your head up and saw none other than Captain America making his way inside of the building. The building you then realized was the Avengers Tower.

The blonde turned his head, must have sensed your presence and you ran to hide behind a wall, but unfortunately not quick enough as he spoke up,

"Who's there?" It wasn't an intimidating tone, more of a genuine question with a tiny bit of sternness.

Of course, being scared shitless you didn't move. Now the Captain is not scary, but what he's capable of is scary. He's a super soldier for fucks sake!

He left the door and walked slowly towards the wall in which you hid behind, the only thing illuminating the sidewalk was the yellow street lights.

The blonde then looked to see you, standing there, shaking uncontrollably. His heart sank, it reminded him of himself when he was younger, before he got the serum.

"Hi there," he said softly.

"Um- Hi." You stuttered nervously.

"What's a little girl like you doing alone out here at night? Where are your parents?"

"I'm actually 16...and I don't have any. I got lost now I don't know where I am." You we're surprised you managed to get the words out.

"Well why don't you come inside and we'll figure out where you came from, okay? I'm Steve Rogers, what's your name?"

"Y/n L/n."

Steve held out his hand, "Come on, Y/n. Let me take you inside and introduce you to the rest of the team and we can get some dinner in you, you look like you haven't eaten in a while." You carefully took his hand and he led you to the glass door and punched in the code, before opening the door and holding it open for you to go in first.

Then, the two of you went into the elevator up to what he called the common room, which was essentially a giant living room connected to an equally as large kitchen and dining room.

And sitting there, were not one, not two, but all of the Avengers. You were shaking in your boots while quietly fangirling.

They all turned to look at the Captain and the teenage girl he had clinging to his arm.

"Who's this, Capsicle?" Tony Stark asked.

"This is Y/n, I found her hiding behind a wall by the tower, she said she was lost and didn't have any parents, so I though I'd take her in for the night."

The winter soldier, got up from the couch and came over to give Steve a kiss. It was a little shocking, since you had no idea that Steve Rogers was into guys but it was very sweet. And made so much sense why they're together.

The large brunette turned towards you crouched down to your level.

"Hi, I'm James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky. I'm Steve's boyfriend, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said softly, as if not trying to spook you, especially with his metal arm.

"Hi, your arm is really cool." You responded.

Bucky looked down at it and smiled, "Thanks, nobody really ever says that besides Steve."

Later on, you got more and more comfortable with the team, and even joked around with them. Natasha made you dinner, a traditional Russian dish.

As you were eating, Steve and Bucky sat with you. The two of them had grown an attachment to you tonight, and thought of you as their own.

"So, where did you come from?" Steve asked.

"A foster home." You spoke carefully.

The two of super soldiers looked at each other then back to you.

"Why did you leave?" Bucky asked.

You sighed, "My foster parents were extremely abusive, and I simply had enough."

Bucky put a hand over yours.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I know a thing or two about being abused." He said quietly and you nodded sympathetically.

"Where are you staying now?" Steve asked.

"A small apartment above an Italian restaurant I got a job at. Mr. Ricci, the owner, was very kind as to let me work there and stay in the apartment rent free."

"Well that is very kind of him. I'm glad you have a job and a place to stay. Um, me and Bucky were curious as to if you'd like to stay here? We're sure the apartment is very nice, and that the job is wonderful, but as far as we know you're not going to school and, it would be a lot safer for you to stay here instead of downtown where a lot of crime goes on." Steve explained.

You took in a breath. Was this really happening? Captain America and The Winter Soldier were offering you stay in the Avengers Tower with them? And to go back to school? You've wanted to go back to school all week, but it wasn't in the cards for you.

"I don't know. Mr. Ricci would be very sad if I moved out." You responded.

"How about you keep the job part time." Bucky suggested.

You thought about for a moment. You could have the best of both worlds. Going to school, living with the Avengers all while still working for Mr. Ricci.

"Okay, yeah, sure." You said softly.

The two men smiled widely at your response, happy to keep you safe while you still did what you wanted to do.

"Great, we'll walk you home and get everything situated, okay Y/n?" Steve responded.

You nodded before you all got up and said goodbye to everyone. The two super soldiers walked you home, you felt incredibly safe walking in between them.

Once you reached the restaurant you opened the door and they walked in with you.

Mr. Ricci was in shock to say the least.

You hugged Steve and Bucky goodbye before bidding  Mr. Ricci a goodnight, walking up the stairs to your apartment.

Steve and Bucky stayed a bit, talking to Giovanni about how you are going to be working part time instead, and, living with them in the Avengers tower.

Of course he was little reluctant, not wanting to see you go and wasn't sure if you were going to be one hundred percent safe, but he agreed. At least he'd be seeing you after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

And that night, you packed your bag and slept peacefully, knowing life was really going to be okay.

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