Chapter 6: New York City, never was there ever a girl so pretty

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The next day at school was so awesome. Mainly because you and Peter got to hold hands while walking to classes. Ned and MJ were very supportive and happy for you guys. It was so good. The only bad part was that, how were you going to tell your dads?

Steve and Bucky were understandably, pretty protective of you. If you told them you had a boyfriend? Bucky especially would go ballistic. Steve's more laid back, even when he found out you and Peter were friends. But, to find out you and him were dating? That's a whole different ball game. 

"I don't know how to tell them, guys. I mean they're both super protective super soldiers!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms up. "Maybe just...don't." Ned said. 

You shook your head with a sigh, "No, Ned. I can't do that."

"Peter has a secret too. A big one." 

"Ned!" Peter exclaimed, seemingly pissed off that his friend revealed that he had a big secret.

"You have a secret?" You asked with raised eyebrows. The brunette's face went red, "Oh! Um, yeah..." 

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me..." he smiled.

"Yet." You added with a cheeky smile. "You're impossible, L/n." Peter said.

You shrugged, "It's one of my specialties." 

After school, you made your way to the living room where lo and behold, you two dads were sitting watching TV. Bucky had as arm around Steve, and you melted at the cute sight. You decided you didn't want to ruin the moment so you quietly tiptoed to your room.

"Hold it right there, young lady."

Steve's words boomed through the living room. You sighed before going over to the two super soldiers and sitting down on the L shaped couch. "How was school?" Bucky asked, pausing the movie before looking at you.

" was good, yeah. it was good." 

"Something happen?" The blonde asked. You shook your head a little too frantically.

"What's their name?" was a Bucky asked.


"What's the name of the kid or kids who hurt you?"

"Dad, no one hurt me." You shook your head with a laugh. 

"Then what is it?"

You nervously scratched the back of your neck, "If I tell you...promise you won't freak out?"

"Depends what it is." Steve replied.

You took a deep breath, here goes nothing, "MeandPeteraredating." 

"What?" The both asked.

"Me and Peter are dating." Silence. Oh god, this has all gone to shit. 

Bucky sighed a heavy sigh, Steve straight up looked flabbergasted. "Are you happy with him? Does he make you happy?" Bucky asked, you nodded.

"Well, if he makes you happy...but we're going to have a talk with him right Steve?" 

"Right, yes. We need to make sure he's not going to hurt you."

"Come on, guys. Peter's a sweet kid, he'd never hurt me." 

And with that you got up and went to your room to do your homework and text Peter:

You: Omg I just told my parents we're dating

Him: How'd it go?

You: Well...they say as long as you make me happy

Him: I make you happy?

You: Yes, you do. All the time. 

Him: You have no idea how it feels to have you say that

You: Awww you have no idea how it feels to have you make me happy all the time ❤️❤️❤️

Him: 🥰

You: Also... they want to have a talk with you

Him: Crap.

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