Chapter 5: Study buddies

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Monday. You dreaded this day just like any other teenager. But you also looked forward to seeing Peter. It was always a plus.

You happily skipped your way to the front gates, despite the other students snickering and giving you weird looks.

When you finally made it to your locker, you certain brunette boy leaned against the next one over.

"Hey, Y/n." Peter said, clearly trying to act cool. You blushed and tried to stifle a laugh. "Hey, Pete." You greeted.

"You look very pretty today. And dare I say, hot?" He flirted with a questioning tone, pink dusting his cheeks. You saw Ned behind him slapping a hand to his face.

"What's going on?" You smirked.

Peter turned to Ned. "Ned! You said this would work!"

"Well it's not my fault you're so bad at flirting." Ned retorted.

~flash back~

"Okay, Ned. I really like Y/n and I need your advice on how to ask her out." Peter said as he paced his bedroom while Ned sat on his bottom bunk.

"Girls like bold guys...I think. Just go up to her, lean against the locker, click your tongue and go, 'Hey, Y/n. You look very hot today.'"

"Okay...but I'm not going to call her hot. It's too forward."

"Alright, alright. Just replace hot with beautiful and you've got it."

"You sure this is gonna work?"


~end flashback~

"You're flirting with me? Wow, I couldn't tell." You chuckled sarcastically.

"See, Ned? Now she's not taking me seriously. I've ruined my chances of going out with her." Peter whined to his friend.

You put a hand in his shoulder. "I don't think you've lost all your chances..."

Peter whipped his head back around, his face hopeful. "R-really?" He asked.

"Yes, you dork! I've liked you since the first day of attending this place. I've even ranted about you to my dads." You laughed.

"You're dads?" Ned questioned a little too loud.

"Yes, I have two dads. Got a problem?" You deadpanned.

"No! It's just me and Peter were curious why we saw you get into a SUV that was being drove by Mr. Stark's head of security!" Ned said.

"Shit." You muttered before dragging them both into an empty unused classroom. You quickly locked the door.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I haven't been honest about my parental heritage. Or talked about it at all. So let me get it straight. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are my parents."

The boys' eyes widened. "No way! Your parents are Captain America and The Winter Soldier?" Ned exclaimed.

"Isn't that what I just said?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sorry. It's just so cool! Wait. Do you live in Avengers Tower?"


"Could you possibly invite us over?"

"Ned!" Peter scolded.

"Okay, this has all been very eventful and it's only," you checked your phone, "7:15."

"Well, um when do you wanna do this date?" Peter asked once the three of you walked out of the room. "Maybe after school? A study date, perhaps?" You suggested.

"Yeah! Sounds good." Peter responded the bell rang, the two of you making your way to class.

After school, you and Peter walked to the tower. "Oh. I forgot to ask," you spoke up as the two of you continued walking, "How do you know Tony Stark's head of security?"

His face went red. "Um, we'll I intern for Mr. Stark."

"That's so cool! Maybe I should as well." You replied.

"Yeah, maybe. But I don't think applications are out right now."

You frowned. "Maybe one of these days. Besides, I'm already at the tower 24/7."

Peter nodded and the two of you made it to the tower.

The study date went well. You really like Peter. It's insane how much you like him.

After the date, you stood in the lobby.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow." You sighed.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Peter turned to walk away  but you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to you, kissing him. His hands instinctively went to your waist and butterflies fluttered in your chest.

You pulled away. "Goodnight, Peter."

"Goodnight, Y/n."

After he walked out of the tower and got further down the street, he called up his friend.

"Ned! You wouldn't believe what just happened!"

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