I.O guard x reader

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I stumbled back to The Fortress, limping and bleeding. The guard outside immediately rushed forward.
"Agent (L/n)! What on earth happened?" He exclaimed, supporting me as I staggered weakly.
"S-seven guards..." i rasped, "d-didnt see them..."
Then, I fell limp and unconscious.
That guard was Elliot, my best friend.

My eyes fluttered open drowsily, and I blinked a few times to see through my blurry vision.
I groaned and saw a blurry, black figure standing over the bed I was in.
"Hey! You're awake!" Elliot exclaimed, smiling down at me.
"Can you hear me? See me? Feeling okay?" He asked rapidly. I groaned.
"Hang on...." I muttered, rubbing my eyes.
"Yes, yes, not really," I answered. He chuckled.
"Understandable," he stated.
He proceeded to ask me a barrage of questions.
"How many fingers am I holding up? Can you feel everything? Are you breathing oka-"
I shut him up by pressing my lips against his.
"Shut up. I'm fine..." I groaned as he burned dark pink.
"B-but your-"
"Shall I shut you...up again?" I growled playfully as a grin spread across his face. I pressed my lips to his again.

"This is hectic!" I yelled over the gunfire to Elliot. He made is way over to me, careful to avoid all the bullets skimming over the sand of Rocky Reels. He grabbed my arm and pulled me off the battlefield.
"We're leaving I.O," he stated, "it isn't doing any good for us." He tore his helmet off and looked at me. "You're coming too, aren't you?"
I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
"Of course I am."

We traveled all the way to Sleepy Sound, and there we found a group of people. A SHADOW agent, a GHOST agent, and an alien trespasser.
We ended up joining them.
It took awhile to actually get talking with them, but we got there eventually.
The bond between Elliot and I was always the strongest though.

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