84: The Story Ends

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Kyoya: aniki.

Keiro ; oh hey kyoya.

Kyoya: like your new power?

Keiro : pretty comfortable.

Kyoya : good to hear. Then stay in it ok ?

Keiro ; kyoya...

Kyoya : I'm going to Lucerne island with , my , nanako. Enjoy your seat as long as you want.

Keiro : I see. Ha. I understand. I wish you both long happiness.

Kyoya let out a smile " we will. " And he leaves.

Keiro let out a relieved sigh " that brat. He always had sharp instincts."  


Nanako brought her three kids onto the boat .

Kyoya : nanako.

" Hm ? " She looked up. He held onto her hand " we're never retuning here."

She lied against his chest and hugs him " um. I don't want to. "

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