15: Nanako's Past

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Kusakabe: are you planning to ever tell her ?

Kyoya: it's over.

Kusakabe:  are you sure this is the best way ?

Kyoya: kusakabe. Since where were you so talkative ?

Kusakabe: gomenasai. Kyo-san.

Tsuna: you're sure about this ?

Nanako smiled " hai. I'll help. If you're willing to hire me. The kids are grown up and have school to go. I get a bit bored time to time. Wouldn't be bad to earn a little."

Gokudera: how much are you asking for ?

Nanako : as much as you pay your right hand man, gokudera-sama. I'm that good.

Gokudera: boss ?

Tsuna: I don't mind it. You're the one who usually organising these things. It's more up to you.

Reborn enters " she's better than your right hand man. Same level of skill as you guys." He adjusts his hat. This reborn was a grown up child due to the release curse of the acrabeleno curse.

Nanako : reborn-sama. Sssshh.

Tsuna : is that so ? Why didn't you want to tell us that ?

Nanako : it's not something to proud of. *Smiles* killing. The only skillset I have. It's really nothing to be proud of.

Tsuna : Nanako...

Reborn : and... As usual, you call everyone sama . When will you kick that habit off ?

Nanako : you know why I have to.

Reborn : you think they treat you this way ?

Nanako : no. Of course not ! But... I haven't earned it yet. Anyway. Is it ok ? I work for vongola.

Gokudera: I'll think about , for a position for you. But I'll still need you to be part of the operation next Monday

" Hai. No problem." And she leaves.

Tsuna : reborn. You know her ?

Reborn ; I knew her mother. Camerie. Her mother was a very shrewd mafia boss who was feared because of how calculative she was of others. It was really rare that she ever got lost of her prey.

Gokudera: shrewd ?

Reborn : um. She even managed to catch me.

Tsuna : catch you ?!!

Reborn: That's how calculative she is. Rare that happens but she was one of them. Not to kill me , just for information about someone. Her mother married a Hojo for love, even if just as a mistress. Nanako was unexpected.

Tsuna: I've never met Nanako's father, was he a very bad person ?

Reborn ; practical. Anyway, as practical as Camerie was, Nanako was her beloved. She knew that after she died, Nanako, still a young girl, would be used to claim inheritance of her mafia. Everything would become her husband's.

Gokudera: she was so calculative that she predicted her own death ? Then couldn't she have prevented it ?

Flashback ~

Reborn walked behind her on the beach " are you sure ?"

Camerie: I have a few things I love in this life reborn. I think you know that. What they are.

Reborn adjusts his hat " camerie..."

Camerie : I love him but I also love my mafia. Do you think, he ever , even for one moment actually loved me ? Or was it all a show ?

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