8: She's Leaving

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Nanako takes a deep breath as she exited the bar " got to go home and make sure I packed everything... "

Kyoya ; Nanako.

She turned around " kyoya-sama. Why are you here ? "

Kyoya: sending a message to my old man ?

Nanako: and to the rest of the assholes who want my children. Descendant and future head of both families is something many want.

Kyoya: you've got some skills.

Nanako : it's nothing much.

Kyoya: Hojo Family Hitman .

Nanako: .... I'm leaving with the kids. It's not like you're worried I'm ever going to be able to kill you.

Kyoya: is that what you think about yourself ? When you compare yourself to me.

Nanako laughed a little " not interested in playing with you. I have a plane to take tomorrow morning." And she walked pass him.

Kyoya: let's go home together.

Nanako stops in her steps and turned around " kusakabe-san came too ? "

Kyoya: he was asleep. I drove here.

Nanako: oh... Ok.

Kyoya: ja oyasumi.

Nanako: matte.
( Wait )

Kyoya ; hm ?

Nanako: we're leaving. I wanted to give you something. To thank you for having us, letting us stay. I'll bring it to you room. Don't sleep yet neh.
Nanako takes out a blue scarf folded nicely " this. Winter is coming. You should take care. I made it. Hope it helps."

Kyoya: how long did it take for you to make ?

Nanako : hmm.... 5 months. I had to take care of the children and the meals. Took a bit long.

Kyoya: I see.

She smiled " don't worry. I wrote recipes of my meals. You just have to hire someone to cook these. Should taste the same."

Kyoya: hitman that cooks and breed butterflies.

Nanako: I haven't breed any in this house.

Kyoya: I also got you something.

Nanako : you did ?

He opens his drawer and takes out a set of yukata. He places it on the table " for you. "

She touches the fabric. The yukata was black in colour and has blue butterflies surrounding a tree with spread out branches as a pattern on the left end of the yukata and right part of the chest " so pretty. Butterflies remind you of me ? "

Kyoya: the first day I met you.

" Arigatou. I'll keep this as my treasure. " And she hugs the yukata in her arms.

Kyoya: Nanako.

Nanako : hai ?

Kyoya : .... Be careful.

Nanako: hai.

The family had their breakfast together as usual in the morning

Nanako: hurry up finish. We have to leave soon.

" Hai." The three boys said.

Nanako: kyoya-sama . Do you have anything you want to say to them before we leave ?

Kyoya: no slacking in training. Don't disturb your mother when she's busy. Take care of each other.

" Hai !! " The three of them replies.


Kusakabe: kyo-san. You're really not going to ask her to stay ? She's really leaving with the children.

Kyoya: I don't have a reason.

Kusakabe: just ask her to stay !!

Kyoya turns away and walks into the room " there are too many threats here to the children. What she's doing is not wrong. "

Kusakabe: but... They're your family ! And and... You actually do like Nanako-san right ?!

Kyoya maintains his silence and just walks further into his room.

Kusakabe: kyo-san...

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