The Prophecy

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"This shiskabob is to die for. You sure you don't want any Alexis?" Isis asks as she is making some food on a stick over a fire.

"No thanks. I was already hunting and had my dinner." Alexis says while watching the new girl pacing around.

"This just can't be true. This isn't really happening. Listen are there other zombies here besides you two?" The girl asks as she walks over to Isis.

"There were but they've all been captured by Nebulosa's dark angels." Isis says.

"You said they couldn't get in." The girl says nervously as Isis is eating a bug she is roasting on the fire.

"They can't but the others went out looking for food in other cemeteries and ended up being captured in doing so. The dark angels don't mess with me when I leave because I'm more than willing to send them back with their tails between their legs. I usually bring food back for Isis but got distracted when I heard the bell being rung." Alexis says.

"It's only Alexis, Peroshka, and I now but Peroshka doesn't count. She comes and goes as she pleases. She's reckless." Isis says as she stands up.

"Kind of like your friend there." The girl says as she gestures to Alexis.

"Oh no Alexis always comes back. We've become each other's family but ever since Peroshka started dating some boy from another cemetery I hardly see her. I'm so excited that you came. We can be friends. Alexis has been the only friend I've had here. Although she tends to act more like a sister but I'm sure I'd make the best best friend ever. What do you say?" Isis asks as she offers the girl a bug before the girl smacks it onto the ground.

"Well there went someone's dinner for the night." Alexis says seeing the bug go flying onto the ground.

"You spilled it! It's a good thing it wasn't milk or you'd have seven days of bad luck." Isis says.

"Listen I don't know what happened but I'm going home. I'm sure my dad will know how to-" The girl then gets cut off by Isis as she starts walking towards the gates.

"You can't go there!" Isis says as Alexis gets up and follows after Isis.

"Why not!?" The girl asks angrily.

"The ghost wolves remember?" Isis says.

"Besides what do you expect your dad to say or do when he sees you like you are? In case you aren't up to date with your zombie info humans don't like us zombies. They either try to trap and or kill us and I don't think you want that." Alexis says as she shifts to human form.

"I don't wanna be a zombie." The girl says as she pouts while sitting down on a log.

"There's only one way to return to your life as a mortal." Isis says as she goes over to the girl.

"How?" The girl asks.

"The Azoth." A voice says revealing to be Peroshka on the top of a tombstone.

"Peroshka!" Isis says happily.

"Oh joy she's back." Alexis says not happy seeing Peroshka.

"Good to see you too fur ball." Peroshka says as she hops down from the tombstone.

"If you would like to remain what little bit of life you have in you I would refrain from calling me fur ball." Alexis says.

"Legend of the Azoth. Well according to the legend a novice a newly arrived zombie will use the magical powers of the Azoth to create a passage back." Peroshka says as they walk into a room with the legend in pictures on the walls.

"A magical passage that will allow zombies to return to their mortal lives." Isis says.

"To be more exact the moment right before they died." Alexis says.

"Wait who's that?" The girl asks as she goes over to the drawing seeing someone leading the zombies.

"Like a second chance so that they can fix mistakes they made when they were alive." Isis says as the girl backs away seeing the one leading looks like her.

"Your novice." Isis says seeing the resemblance.

"Do you have the Azoth? Do you know it's secret? Show us its power." Peroshka says as the new girl opens her belt compartment showing the Azoth.

"Hang on a sec. There isn't any power locked up in this trinket." The girl says gesturing to the Azoth.

"What!? Don't you know how it works?" Peroshka asks impatiently.

"It's just a pendant that someone gave me for my birthday." The girl says as she begins to walk away.

"A charm!? Give it to me! Maybe I can make it!" Peroshka shouts as she backs the girl against the wall.

"No!" The girl shouts.

"Do you have a better idea!?" Peroshka says.

"Vitriol. He'll know how to help us." Isis says.

"Vitriol Is a lousy bum. Plain and simple." Peroshka says.

"True but he knows volumes about the dead, the living, and everything in between." Isis says.

"No one knows where he resides and the forest in invested with dark angels and mortals! I'll take it to him. I can get around that forest better than the mutt can." Peroshka says as she gestures for the girl to give her the Azoth.

"Hey!" Alexis says angrily before she feels Isis place a hand on her shoulder.

"I said no." The girl says firmly.

"Fine! Lets see how far you get without my help." Peroshka says as she tries to take the Azoth but Alexis tackles her away from the girl before getting up and angrily walking off.

"She's right. As much as Alexis leaves the cemetery she doesn't know the woods as well as Peroshka does. How are we gonna get out of here?" Isis asks.

"Let me think." The girl says.

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