Defeating Nebulosa

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"Let's get out of here. Before we lose our chance." Gonner says as he points to an open portal.

"Not without Isis." Dixie says as they run over to the portal.

"We can't just leave her." Alexis says.

"Are you two daft?" Gonner asks.

"She's our friend Gonner. For better and for worse." Dixie says as she goes over to the Azoth.

"That lassies could be anyone. This maybe our last hope to escape." Gonner says as he goes over with Alexis to Dixie.

"We won't leave her." Dixie says as she and Alexis run off.

"Wait now. If you two are out here.. then the lass trapped inside the box must be Isis!" Gonner shouts as he chases after the two girls before the three then come to a bridge see Nebulosa holding Isis by the arm over a river of lava.

"Don't be alarmed she's with me." Nebulosa says as she looks at Isis.

"Dixie! Alexis!" Isis shouts sadly.

"Leave her alone!" Dixie says.

"Don't hurt her please." Alexis says worried to make a move due to Nebulosa holding Isis over the bridge.

"Return the Azoth or she's going for a swim." Nebulosa says as she looks down at the river of lava.

"Wait a sec Nebulosa. Alright." Dixie says as she takes the Azoth out of the compartment on her belt.

"No don't give it to her." Gonner says.

"It's what I have to do. Please don't hurt her." Dixie says as she begins to walk towards Nebulosa.

"Join me and we can use the Azoth to avenge all of the injustice committed against us. We'll reopen the portal. You can return to your life and punish your enemies including your mother." Nebulosa says.

"No. Don't do it." Gonner says.

"Dixie please." Alexis says.

"Give us Isis." Dixie says sternly.

"First the Azoth." Nebulosa says.

"Let her go." Dixie says as she looks at Isis.

"No. The Azoth." Nebulosa says as she then grabs hold of the Azoth as Dixie offers it to her before throwing Isis behind her onto the bridge.

"Run!" Dixie shouts as Isis runs over to Alexis and Gonner while she is hanging onto the Azoth.

"Let go! What are you doing!? Don't you realize that sacrificing yourself is useless!" Nebulosa shouts trying to pull the Azoth away from Dixie before grabbing Dixie and holding her over the river of lava.

"We gotta help her." Isis shouts as she hides behind Alexis and Gonner.

"Me captain knows what she's doing." Gonner says.

"He's right. Dixie has to do this on her own." Alexis says.

"I won't let you destroy the planet! Everything I love is there." Dixie says as Nebulosa slams her into the side of the bridge trying to get her to let go of the Azoth.

"The world will remain a miserable place and your problems will never disappear!" Nebulosa shouts as the sun appears and begins to affect the Azoth.

"No! No! Dixie!" Isis shouts.

"God speed me hearty! There's nothing we can do for her now!" Gonner shouts as the three run to find cover behind a rock.

"Hey look." Alexis says seeing the portal appear.

"The portal!" Gonner shouts as he, Alexis, and Isis jump into the portal.

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