A sister sees that she is in the northern part of Syria (which she wasn't prior to the dream, but she is now) and her family are convincing her to cross over and go Turkey. She is following them and she sees herself walking on the side of the border cities. (Turkey is on her left side
She then looks at her right, and sees the whole land of Syria as though it is put open as a map.
She then sees that war has erupted in Syria. People are rushing, walking with their belongings and trying to get away. Panic and chaos is in the air.
As she is watching them, she sees a man, his name is Ahmad and he stands up and starts reading Surah al Anfaal. As he is reading the sister is amazed by his bravery in the midst of war. As she is looking the dream finishes.
Possible interpretation ( by a knowledgeable interpreter, فك الله اسره)
Soon war will erupt in Syria again, it will not be in the place you are in. However be careful of you family as they are trying to pull you away from the path that you are on.
When the war will erupt, Allah will use a leader of the Muslimeen being on the Sunnah of our Prophet Ahmad ﷺ.
He is then going to give them a opening, like the opening of al Badr, which is narrated in Surah al Anfaal, and it will be with ghanaaim in big quantities (spoils of war).

Glad Tidings of Victory
Short StoryVictory to the believers is a promise.. and Allah does not betray his promise. Rather it is a matter of patience and a matter of time. So we strengthen ourselves with the glad tidings Allah bestows us with meanwhile. "الا ان نصر الله قريب" "Indeed...