#Dream #GladTidingsofVictory
Jolani has a small square of land, wherein he is planting seeds. He has a worker with him, that is from his close men. Although his plant are not producing any fruits or goods. The land remains barren.
His partner then supplicated saying; 'May Allah send his prayers on Muhammad, and he is meaning Jolani', Jolani is his content being praised this way, he is expecting people to believe this claim, or at least praise him like he is a prophet.
The civilians of the Shaam are present as well, they know his claim is false, they are despising it and are in displeasure, but they can't do anything.The dreamer now sees herself as a younger in age, and supplicates: 'May allah send his prayers upon Nuh, Musa and Isa etc., until reaching RasulAllah ﷺ, and they tell the muslimeen to raise their voices with them, and they do that.
When they are about to reach Muhammad ﷺ , the muslimeen are finishing the salawaat, but the dreamer leaves and enters a masjid and sees a woman around the age of forty, she is very polite and pure but is very ugly and displeasing to the eyes. She is complaining of the the oppression she is in, and how she puts her clothes on the drying line but they keep removing it for her.Then a young man enters the mosque (he is around 20 in age), when he enters they are happy and pleased at this entrance. He looks pious and honored, and he starts praying. The dreamer choses to stay with the lady and help her and accompany her to improve her situation.
From the masjid she sees a small hut made of mud/clay and its clean and some (specific) sisters are there learning and reading. The dreamer wants to enter, she then woke up.___
The act of planting: His rule/reign. Y Nothing will give fruit or benefit him, nor the people. His rule will spon deceaseHis claim of prophethood symbolizes that his death is soon, as that's the consequence of anyone claiming prophethood.
The Muslims have realized his reality.
The lady with the pure heart is representing the muslimeen in shaam and their imaan and their value, yet their displeasing appearance is representing their ruler (Taghut).The dreamer accompanying this lady shows that the person will stay in Shaam.
The young man symbolizes the state, it will return and apply the law of the one Lord (salah).The clay hut symbolized a group of people who is going to clarify the truth with knowledge and spreading knowledge (in specific about the corruption of the tawagheet).

Glad Tidings of Victory
Short StoryVictory to the believers is a promise.. and Allah does not betray his promise. Rather it is a matter of patience and a matter of time. So we strengthen ourselves with the glad tidings Allah bestows us with meanwhile. "الا ان نصر الله قريب" "Indeed...