you hurt him and now he's gone ,so now I'm gonna hurt you

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Warning- violence,swearing, self-harm ,angst, character death, suicide,murder, death,mention of rape ,past sexual harassment, past bullying

Billy loomis knocked on stu's macher front door but stu hasn't answered yet

Billy knocks started to get impatient and a bit worried as stu hasn't answered the door yet,usually stu would answer on the first knock or the second knock but he wasn't answering

Billy stopped knocking and he backed up and went to the side of the house and he looked up at stu's window ,it was open

With a deep sigh billy started to climb up the side of the house and climbed through stu's open window

"Stu?darling you in here?" Billy called out ,he saw a envelope ontop of the bed and billy walked over grabbing the envelope

His name was written on the envelope and he opened it and started to read it

Dear billy........

Billy,if you are reading this then it means that I am gone ,I am sorry that I couldn't be stronger ,they wouldn't stop ,and I've been hurting for a very long time .

You must be wondering what the hell is going on , it all started with Casey becker ,Steve orth before it started with Sidney and Tatum, I thought I could trust them but I couldn't, randy had nothing to do with this ,he didn't didn't know so don't blame yourself,it wasn't you're fault.

It wasn't you're fault that was so weak and I couldn't be as strong as you ,you know I admire you so much ,always wanted to be like you ,you're so brave and strong.

If you are reading this before....please don't go into the bathroom ,I don't you see me like this..just call the police ,if you are reading this after..I'm so sorry billy

Please don't hate me ,I tried so hard to be strong ,I'm so sorry billy .

I really really love you and I'm sorry that our last goodbye is written in a piece of paper and our last I love you

I'm sorry that I couldn't say it in person ,I just didn't want you to stop me .

I love you so much billy...this is goodbye

Love stu

Billy's dropped the letter and rushed into the bathroom and his heart stopped ,tears gather in his eye's

Stu was laying in the bathtub with his wrist cut blood was dripping down the side of the tub and into the floor ,he wasn't moving but his eye's were open but billy knew that he was dead

"Oh baby" billy took stu out of the bathtub,water splashed as he took him out ,blood started to stain billy clothes,arm's but he didn't care

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