let's be free together

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This is like a part two, to I just want to be free

Stu woke up with a wince and a groan as he sat up on his bed ,he sigh as he had thought that he had killed himself but that was all a dream

A dream that stu wanted to come true ,stu was startled when the phone ranged and he picked it up

"Hello?" He answered

"Hey stu,I hope I didn't wake you up" it was his sister Leslie ,why was she calling so early in the morning

"No,you didn't wake me "

"I was just calling to see how are you?how you been doing?"

"I'm doing okay"

"Stu..how are you ?"

"I'm doing fine"

"Okay..anways listen I'm calling because Vince has been begging to see his uncle stu..I was wondering if you like to meet up somewhere?you know out of woodsboro?"

"Can I move in you?" Stu just blurted it out


"I can take care of myself,you don't have to take care of me,I could get a job and help out,I just...do you want me to be honest?"

"Mom and dad...I can't be here anymore not with them..and I miss you Leslie,and I can help out with Vince "

"Okay..I miss you a lot stu,and I'm sorry for leaving you alone with them stu"

"Do..do you think you have room for one more person?"

" of course I do,I'll be waiting for you,I can't wait to see you again" Leslie had told him where she was staying before they hanged up and stu packed a bag and he left the house through the front door since his parent's were at work

He walked all the way to Billy's house and he climbed on the side of the house and opened Billy's window and climbed through seeing billy still alseep

Stu walked over to billy and shook  him "billy" he whispered his name and billy groan before his eye's open and he blinked before he sat up so fast and cupped stu's face ,eye's full of worry,all sleepiness has gone away

"What happened?who did this?" Billy questioned anger swarming in his eye's

"It doesn't matter" stu said "of course it matters stu" billy said "no it doesn't...I just came here to tell you something " stu said

"Is it about who did this?" Stu shook his head "I'm..I'm leaving billy..I'm gonna go live with my sister and my nephew " stu told him

"What?you..you can't go " billy said "I can't stay here anymore billy, I have to get away from-" stu said

"From who?" Billy asked "from my parent's " stu answered "did they do this?" Stu nodded "billy...would you come with me?I don't want to leave you behind but I can't stay here anymore"

"I'll come with you,but first I have to do something..can you wait a little longer?" Stu nodded "yeah"

Billy had helped stu clean his cuts that were on his body before stu sat on his bed as billy got ready to do that thing he was gonna do

"I might take a while...why don't you get some more sleep?" Billy suggested and stu nodded before laying down and billy helped him with the covers

"Billy..be careful " stu said and billy smiled "always am darling " billy said pecking stu on the lips

"Get some sleep darling" billy left his room and out of the house and he went on his little errand

"Where the fuck is he!?" Billy stood outside of the macher house and he heard stu's father shouting and yelling

"He didn't have any school today,he might of went to a friend's house" he heard stu's mother said and billy knocked on the door loudly and soon the door open

Mr.macher glared at billy angerly "what do you wan-gah!" Mr . Macher shouted in pain as billy impaled a knife into his stomach,billy took out the knife and punched Mr. Macher in the face making him fall back

Mrs.macher scream in terror ,billy stood onto of Mr. Macher and raised the knife before stabbing Mr. Macher over and over again making blood spill everywhere

Billy panted before looking at Mrs. Macher who was staring in horror,he grinned at her and walked towards her but mrs.macher ran but billy threw the knife and it stabbed her right in the back

Mrs.macher cried out "why are you doing this!?" Billy took the knife out kicking her so she was facing him and not the ground

"Because you hurt the person I love,and you both deserved so much worse but I don't have much time " billy told her before he stabbed her again and again

He stood up and looked at stu's parent's, satisfied with both of them dead ,he rushed out of their house and back to his

Arriving at his house and walking into his room,he saw stu sleeping peacefully ,billy smiled at the sight before he went to take a shower

After his shower ,he packed a bag and gently shook stu ,who woke up with a flinch "darling..it's just me" stu relaxed and smiled at billy

"Let's go yeah?" Stu nodded

Billy and stu soon left woodsboro behind ,stu leaving his parent's that he wanted to escape for a very long time and billy leaving his father who he never liked and stu's dead parent's behind

Stu looked at billy thinking

"Aleast we're free together "

928 word's!

Hope you enjoy!

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