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v. saccharine honeycombs of coreopsis dawns

bucolic topaz fields leveled
the ochre dominion with prolific harvests
fostered from arduous laboring hours
pieces of every plant cell
ingurgitate pellucid precipitation
embraced sunlight caresses
consumed clement breezes
all in an effort to bear fruit
to golden caryopsis
ready to be baked
into sweet breads
paired with
the earthy
aroma of
earl grey

delectable confectionary
cascaded with demerara syrup
into a wooden brown recognized
for it's cedar hue and savory taste as
daybreak sends sun-blushed greetings
and morning dues of sunshine and hide
scintillating starlight of romanticized
midnight escapades filled with
a deadly charm of illusions
by the connotations of
sleeping in a dream
where problems
are merely lies
of the soul
in slow



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