Kabuto Yakushi

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(I did a timeskip)

woa-woah- what's this " Naruto asked

" gee- I guess- we're not alone...man....I had no idea they'd be so much competition " sakura said

' i kinda ...I kinda feel a bit intimidated...'

" Sasuke where have you been?! " ino yelled, hugging sasuke from behind

" boy you have no idea how much I was hoping to see you here, I've missed those broody good looks of yours " Ino said

" hey you porker! Back off! He's mine! " sakura yelled

" Ms. Forehead they let someone like you in? I see you still got those big frown lines on your forehead I see " ino said

" leave my forehead out of it! " sakura yelled

'They're so annoying...'

" oh so it's you guys, I knew this was gonna be a drag, but I didn't know it would be this lame " Shikamaru said

" so all 3 stooges are here " naruto said

" hey you know what pipsqueak?! Ah forget it, you're a waste of time. " shikamaru said
" well well what do you know? It seems like the full gang is back together again " kiba said as shino and Hinata followed him

" oh..hi Naruto " Hinata said

" you guys too huh? Man it seems everyone is here for this stupid thing " shikamaru said

" yep, here we all are the 10 rookies hahaha, this is gonna be fun " kiba said

kiba kept on talking and I was just trying to calm my nerves and was giving myself affirmations.

" hey you guys! " a grey haired teen called

" you might wanna try keeping it down for a little, I mean, no offense but you're the 10 rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? " the grey haired said

" I wouldn't go around making spectacle of yourselves, just cool it, this isn't a class field trip " the grey haired said

" well who asked you, who are you!? " ino yelled

Kabuto: " I'm kabuto Yakushi, but really, look around you "

We turned to see bunch of spooky looks by the ninjas

" you've made quite an impression " kabuto said

" see those guys? They are from the rain village, very touchy, they all are, this exam makes everyone tense, and you don't want to tense them up, you can't help it, I mean how could you know how things work, you're just rookies, you remind me of myself a while back " kabuto said

I gripped on my fist, placing it on my chest. I took breaths. It wasn't normal for me to be so intimidated. I just had a weird feeling in my stomach and chest...like...it felt cold...and shivers ran down...it was just so weird.

" kabuto, is that your name? " asked sakura

Kabuto: " yeah "

" this isn't the first time you've taken the exam ? " asked sakura

Kabuto: " no it's...my seventh "

We gasped

Kabuto: " yeah they're held twice a year so this will be my 4th year "

' this guy is that bad!? '

" wow, veteran, you must really be an expert now " - sakura

" yeah sort of " said kabuto

" cool you could give us all the insides tip! " - Naruto

" yeah some expert, he's never passed " - shikamaru said while I nodded in agreement

" well seventh times the charm, that's what they say eh? " kabuto said nervously

" so I guess all that rumors about the exam being tough are true, man I knew this was gonna be a drag " - shikamaru

Kabuto: " hang on, don't give up hope yet, maybe I can help you kids out a little with my ninja info cards "

" what the hell are those " asked sakura

Dozo: the way you said it made it seem like drugs.

Kabuto: " it's hard to explain, but these cards have been chakra encoded with everything I've learned these past years. I've got more than 200 of them, you see, I haven't been completely wasting my time, they might not look much to the naked eye, in fact, they appear blank, don't just want anyone seeing this stuff "

​​​​​​he then starts spinning the card with his finger

" what are you doing " asked sakura

Kabuto: " you see, I'm using my chakra to reveal their secrets "

' that's possible...? Creepy '

Kabuto: " like this for example "

" awesome, a map, of what? " asked sakura

Kabuto: " It shows the geographical distribution of every candidates who came to the chunin exams, what villages they come from and how many from the village, why do you guys think that they all come to take the exams together at the same time. it's the foster friendship between nations ofc, international brotherhood and stuff like that and it's true enough, for as long as it goes " said kabuto

" but there's another reason " said sasuke
" do those cards of yours have any infos on the other candidates, individually? " Sasuke asked

" they might, have someone special in your mind? " - Kabuto

" I might " -Sasuke

" well I can't confirm my information is complete or perfect but I've got something right about everyone, including you guys ofc " -Kabuto

" ah God you're creepy " I said

" well yes but it's useful, so which one is it? Tell me anything you know about them, a description, where they're from, whatever, anything at all" -Kabuto

" he's gaara of the desert and then there's rock lee of the hidden leaf village while you're at it " -sasuke

" man that's no fun, you already know their name, that makes it easy. here they are " -Kabuto

" show em to me " said sasuke

" looks like he's a year older than you guys, mission experience, 11 C ranks and 20 D ranks, his squad leader is guy and the last 12 months , his taijutsu has radically improved, but his other skills are pretty shakey, last year he got a lot of attention for a genin but for some reason, he chose not to participate in the chunin exams, this will be his first time as a candidate, same as you guys, his teammates are tenten and Neji Hyuga " -kabuto

" huh Hyuga " Naruto questioned

" okay now for Gaara of the desert " -kabuto

" mission experience, C ranks (8) and get this, 1 B rank as a genin, there's not more information about this guy, he was an rookie from another land, but there is, he survived every mission without getting a single scratch on him  " -kabuto

Dozo: " that's- how's that humanly possible?! "

" what!? He's been in a B rank as a genin and he's never even been injured!? " said shikamaru

" what's the deal with this guy!? " - Naruto

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