As the Sky People were forced to leave, the Na'vi came across Na'vi prisoners, captured by the Sky People and experimented on. It seemed the Sky People were trying to enhance Avatars, by bringing in new DNA and genes of the creatures on pandora. The...
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Jake's POV
It has been about twelve years since we found Talion. He was only a month old when we found him, and it wasn't long after we started caring for him that Neytiri got pregnant with our first biological child.
It wasn't long after that our son was born; we named him Neteyam. They both bonded with the tree of Eywa on the same day, Talion being almost a year while Neteyam was a bit older than a newborn. I still remember the high-pitched laughs as they bonded with the tree, the shock and happiness on their faces.
And not long after, we adopted our daughter Kiri, whose conception is a complete mystery, being born from Grace's avatar. Then, before I knew it, we had five, adopted and biological; Neytiri and I love them all dearly.
Though, Talion, as sweet as he is, has always been an odd child. He never stuck around the other kids too much, choosing to sit with Neytiri for hours on end, sleeping instead of playing. Even now, he has not developed any deformities or oddities due to the changes in his DNA. Neytiri and I closely watched his development, though nothing we've noticed is odd about him. He is developing and growing just like a normal Na'vi child his age.
On the other hand, I never believed that childhood years go by fast, though now that I have children of my own, I can certainly say that that is very true. It feels like we found Talion yesterday, and Neteyam was just born, but they are both old enough to get their ikran's, 13 years old. And they did not hide this excitement at all.
"Dad! Wake up!" Neteyam jumped on me, making me groan. I slowly opened my eyes, making eye contact with my second-oldest son's golden eyes, glowing even in the darkness. The sun had barely begun to rise, telling me that they couldn't sleep much the night before.
"Wake up!" Another voice piped up, making me turn to my other side to see my oldest son also there, his violet eyes also reflecting in the dark.
"Neytiri-" I spoke up, my voice raspy from sleep, turning over to look at her, "-your sons are awake."
"You mean your sons." She muttered back, turning away from me, "It was you who promised today."
I sighed in defeat, remembering that it was I that promised it. I tried to lay back down, but to no avail; I was reminded that my two sons were there.
"Dad!" Talion jumped on me, making me groan, though sigh in defeat right after.
"Fine, let me get up."
Once I was up and ready, the sun was up, and the boys were both ready. Neytiri also got up to come to see, not wanting to miss this.
We were already on top of the mountain, both Talion and Neteyam eagerly climbing in front of Neytiri and me, wanting to get to the top as fast as possible. Once we were there, they both looked in awe as ikran of all colors flew around.